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[英]How do you use pattern matching with lists of tuples in Haskell?

I've been trying to write a function that takes a list of tuples (in my case, three Int values within the tuple) and returns the maximum sum of any of the tuples in the list. 我一直在尝试编写一个函数,该函数接受一个元组列表(在本例中为元组内的三个Int值),并返回列表中任何元组的最大和。

This is my current attempt at doing so: 这是我目前的尝试:

type Triples = [(Int, Int, Int)]
maxTotal :: Triples -> Int
maxTotal [] = error "ERROR: NO TUPLES"
maxTotal ((x,y,z):rest)
  | sumTriple x y z > maxTotal rest = sumTriple x y z
  | otherwise = maxTotal rest

sumTriple :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
sumTriple x y z = x + y + z

However, every time I run this function, I end up with my error output... Is Haskell treating my input list of tuples as an empty list or am I cycling through to the end of the list in my "otherwise" guard then reaching the error? 但是,每次运行此函数时,我都会得到错误输出...是Haskell将元组的输入列表视为一个空列表,还是我在“否则”的防护中循环到该列表的末尾,然后到达错误?

Turns out my definitions for maxTotal were incomplete. 原来我对maxTotal的定义不完整。 All I had to add was this: 我只需要添加以下内容:

maxTotal [(x,y,z)] = x + y + z

Case closed. 案件结案。

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