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[英]understanding the execution flow in python

Being new to python, confused with the flow of execution:刚接触python,对执行流程感到困惑:

To elaborate I am stating the below examples:为了详细说明,我正在说明以下示例:

Example 1:示例 1:

def hello():
    print("hello world")

def python():
    print("testing main")

if __name__ == "__main__":

**output :**
    hello world
    testing main

NOTE : I am aware of usage of __name__ == "__main__".注意:我知道__name__ == "__main__"的用法

Example 2:示例 2:


def python():
    print("testing main")

File "main_flow.py", line 2, in <module>
NameError: name 'python' is not defined

As far as I know python executes the program in sequential manner(correct me if I am wrong), hence in Example 2 it is not able to find the method python() when it encounters it.据我所知,python 以顺序方式执行程序(如果我错了,请纠正我),因此在示例 2 中,它在遇到方法 python() 时无法找到它。

My confusion is why in example 1 the similar error has not occured, what is the flow of execution in this scenario.我的困惑是为什么在示例 1 中没有发生类似的错误,这种情况下的执行流程是什么。

Edit 1 : When you call a custom function in python it must know where it is located in the file.编辑 1 :当您在 python 中调用自定义函数时,它必须知道它在文件中的位置。 We use def function_name(): to define the location of functions we use in our scripts.我们使用def function_name():来定义我们在脚本中使用的函数的位置。 We must call def function_name(): before we call function_name() , otherwise the script won't know about function_name() and will raise an exception (function not found error).我们必须调用def function_name():我们调用之前function_name()否则该脚本将不知道function_name()并会引发异常(找不到函数的错误)。

By running def function_name(): it only lets the script know there is a function called function_name() but it doesn't actually run the code inside function_name() until you call it.通过运行def function_name():它只让脚本知道有一个名为function_name()但在你调用它之前它实际上并没有运行function_name()的代码。

While in your second example you call python() before the script has reached def python() , so it doesn't know what python() is yet.在您的第二个示例中,您在脚本到达def python() python()之前调用python() ,因此它还不知道python()是什么。

The Example 1 order is:示例 1 的顺序是:

1.    def hello(): # Python now knows about function hello()
5.        print("hello world")
6.        python()

2.    def python(): # Python now knows about function python()
7.        print("testing main")

3.    if __name__ == "__main__":
4.       hello() 

The Example 2 order is:示例 2 的顺序是:

1.    python()    # Error because Python doesn't know what function python() is yet

-     def python(): # Python doesn't reach this line because of the above error
-         print("testing main")

The Example 2 solution would be:示例 2 的解决方案是:

1.     def python(): # Python now knows about function python()
3.         print("testing main")

2.     python()   

Edit 2: To reiterate Example 1 from the scripts point of view:编辑 2:从脚本的角度重申示例 1

def hello(): 
def python(): 
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("hello world")
print("testing main")

This is the order the script will see and run each line of code.这是脚本将看到和运行每行代码的顺序。 So clearly the script knows about python() as the def is called on line #2, and python() is called on line number #6.很明显,脚本知道python()因为 def 在第 2 行调用, python()在第 6 行调用。

It appears you do not understand what scope means when it comes to defines.当涉及到定义时,您似乎不明白范围的含义。 Read up about it.阅读它。 The scope of a function is not executed during a def, it is only executed when the function is called.函数的作用域在 def 期间不执行,它只在函数被调用时执行。

This is not about __name__ == '__main__' but because the function call in your second example is executed before the function is defined.不是__name__ == '__main__' ,而是因为被定义的函数执行之前在第二个例子中的函数调用。

Your first example executes the function python after all functions are defined because hello is called after the function definitions (so there is no name error)!您的第一个示例定义所有函数执行函数python 因为hello在函数定义之后调用(因此没有名称错误)!

If you put hello() between the definitions you would get the error again:如果将hello()放在定义之间,则会再次出现错误:

def hello():
    print("hello world")


def python():
    print("testing main")


hello world 
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-21db1c6bfff8> in <module>()
      3     python()
----> 5 hello()
      7 def python():

<ipython-input-7-21db1c6bfff8> in hello()
      1 def hello():
      2     print("hello world")
----> 3     python()
      5 hello()

NameError: name 'python' is not defined

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