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使用Firefox WebExtensions的桌面应用程序

[英]Desktop application using Firefox WebExtensions

I am working on a XUL desktop application, where I use the browser tag and load a URL in that tag within the desktop application. 我正在XUL桌面应用程序上工作,在这里我使用浏览器标签,并在桌面应用程序内的该标签中加载URL。

However, some websites display as old format and according to Mozilla, XUL is deprecated and will not be useable at the end of 2017. I want to build the application with the latest technology: WebExtensions . 但是,有些网站显示为旧格式,根据Mozilla的说法,XUL已弃用,并且将于2017年底无法使用。我想使用最新技术: WebExtensions构建该应用程序。

I have searched many examples on the usage of WebExtensions, but all are working within the browser. 我搜索了许多有关WebExtensions用法的示例,但是所有示例都在浏览器中运行。 Can I make a standalone desktop application just like XUL, but using WebExtensions? 我可以使用WebExtensions制作像XUL一样的独立桌面应用程序吗?

If yes, then please give me some hints on how to get started. 如果是的话,请给我一些入门提示。
If no, is any alternative for the same requirement available? 如果否,是否可以提供相同要求的替代方案?

Webextensions are fairly limited in their scope. Web扩展的范围相当有限。 Even if there was an application runtime utilising them, you probably wouldn't get much use out of them due to the restrictive isolation from the host system. 即使有一个应用程序运行时都在使用它们,由于与主机系统的严格隔离,您可能也不会从它们中获得太多使用。

Strictly speaking not webextensions, albeit very similar: 严格来说不是webextensions,尽管非常相似:

The Electron framework/runtime* 电子框架/运行时*

Someone at Mozilla is also working on an alternative dubbed "Positron"** though that software's future is uncertain and there is a chance he might abandon it for an entirely new, highly simplified project (at least that's what I gathered from my conversation with him on Github). Mozilla的某人还在研究一个名为“ Positron” **的替代产品,尽管该软件的未来尚不确定,并且他有可能放弃一个全新的,高度简化的项目(至少这是我从与他的交谈中收集到的信息)在Github上)。

* http://electron.atom.io/ * http://electron.atom.io/

** https://github.com/mozilla/positron ** https://github.com/mozilla/positron

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