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Angular2 select未能设置默认值

[英]Angular2 select failed to set the default Value

My select department template code looks like, 我选择的部门模板代码如下所示:

  <div class="form-group">
    <label class="control-label">Location</label>
    <select class="selectpicker" *ngIf="locations" data-style="btn btn-primary btn-round" title="Select A Location" 
    [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
        <option *ngFor="let loc of locations"
    <span *ngIf="!selectedLocation" class="help-block text-danger">
        You must select one Location.

This code is reponsible for getting the locations from server. 此代码负责从服务器获取位置。 I can manage to list these locations once the select dropdown is clicked. 单击select下拉列表后,我可以设法列出这些位置。


private selectedLocation: any = null;

ngOnInit() {

setDefaultTypeAndLocation() {    
    for (let location of this.locations) {
      if (location.name === this.vehicle.location) {
        this.selectedLocation = location;

  ngOnChanges() {
    if (this.vehicle.type.key !== '' && this.vehicle.location) {

getLocations() {
    this.locations = this.locationsService.locations;
    if (!this.locations) {
          data => {
            this.locations = data;
          error => {
            console.log('err in vehicle form getLocations method');
    } else {

On clicking the edit button on the parent component, corresponding vehicle object is passed to the child component which thereby initiates the ngOnChanges method. 单击父组件上的编辑按钮时, ngOnChanges相应的vehicle对象传递给子组件,从而启动ngOnChanges方法。

See, this this.setDefaultTypeAndLocation(); 参见this.setDefaultTypeAndLocation(); invokes method setDefaultTypeAndLocation() which was used to set the default Location ( this.selectedLocation = location; ). 调用用于设置默认位置( this.selectedLocation = location; )的方法setDefaultTypeAndLocation() )。

From this point, I properly updated the this.selectedLocation value. 从这一点来说,我正确地更新了this.selectedLocation值。 But on the View, the location I set previously wasn't shown as default Location. 但是在视图上,我之前设置的位置未显示为默认位置。

Maybe your are not showing all code, but I don't see you ever calling the getLocations() method. 也许您没有显示所有代码,但是我看不到您曾经调用过getLocations()方法。 This means that this.locations will always be an empty list, so no location can be set. 这意味着this.locations将始终是一个空列表,因此无法设置任何位置。

edit: 编辑:

Instead of initializing your locations in ngOnInit , change your getLocations method to update locations when needed. 无需在ngOnInit中初始化位置, ngOnInit更改getLocations方法以在需要时更新位置。 Initializing in in ngOnInit won't work, since ngOnChanges is called BEFORE ngOnInit ( https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/lifecycle-hooks.html ). 由于ngOnChangesngOnInithttps://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/lifecycle-hooks.html )之前被称为,因此无法在ngOnInit初始化。

See this code example: 请参见以下代码示例:

  ngOnInit() {
    //do not initialize locations here

  setDefaultTypeAndLocation() {
    //change this.location to this.getLocations()
    for (let location of this.getLocations()) { 
      if (location.name === this.vehicle.location) {
        this.selectedLocation = location;

  getLocations() {
    // Add this check
    if (this.locations && this.locations.length > 0) return this.locations;

    this.locations = this.locationsService.locations;
    if (!this.locations) {
        data => {
          this.locations = data;
        error => {
          console.log('err in vehicle form getLocations method');
    } else {

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