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[英]Git: remote: Repository not found

I can't pull or push anything from a remote repository. 我无法从远程存储库中提取或推送任何内容。 I do have the correct rights. 我确实拥有正确的权利。

C:\Users\Stijn\Dropbox\Fissa\website\alpha 0.3>git remote -v
origin  https://github.com/jeroenmager/Fissa (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/jeroenmager/Fissa (push)

C:\Users\Stijn\Dropbox\Fissa\website\alpha 0.3>git pull origin master
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/jeroenmager/Fissa/' not found

该仓库实际上似乎并不存在, 请参见Web界面

I have found the awnser. 我找到了遮阳篷。 I was logged in with my old account and also my new account. 我使用旧帐户和新帐户登录。 I know this makes no sense but inviting both accounts worked, while inviting both accounts sepperately didn't. 我知道这没有任何意义,但是邀请两个帐户都能正常工作,而分别邀请两个帐户却没有。 Thank you all for your help anyways 谢谢大家的帮助

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