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[英]Why child component didnt get parent's props with Axios in React

I solve it with a simple flag like so: 我用一个简单的标志来解决它,如下所示:

  1. I added a new flag property on the states object: loaded:false 我在状态对象上添加了新的flag属性: loaded:false
  2. I update the loaded value to true, when i get the data, like so: 当我获取数据时,将loaded值更新为true,如下所示:

      helpers.getValues().then(results => this.setState({values:results.data,loaded:true})); 
  3. And finally, inside the render() i first check if the loaded==true and then i render the ChildComponent, like so : 最后,在render()我首先检查是否loaded==true ,然后渲染ChildComponent,如下所示

     {this.state.loaded == true ? <ChildComponent values={this.state.values} name="theodore"/> : ''} 

I am making a simple code in React that gets data with Axios . 我在React中编写了一个简单的代码, 可以通过Axios 获取数据。

The data are returned to the client , so the communication is OK. 数据返回给客户端,因此通信正常。 The problem is that I pass the results data to a child component , as props, and as soon as the child component loads it asks for the props.data but it is empty. 问题是我将结果数据作为prop传递给子组件,并且一旦子组件加载,它就会要求props.data但它为空。

Below is the Parent component: 以下是父组件:

  1. Inside the componentDidMount I call the axios to get the data and update the setState object. componentDidMount内部,我调用axios来获取数据并更新setState对象。
  2. Below, into the render function, I pass the results to the ChildComponent . 下面,将结果传递给ChildComponentrender函数中。

     var ParentComponent = React.createClass({ getInitialState:function(){ return { values:'' activeTab:0 } }, componentDidMount:function(){ helpers.getValues().then(results => this.setState({values:results.data})); }, render:function(){ return( <div className='container'> <div className="row"> <div className="col-sm-8 text-center" > <h1>{pageTitle}</h1> <Tabs activeKey={this.state.activeTab} onSelect={this.handleSelect} id="controlled-tab-example"> <Tab eventKey={tabs[0].key} title={tabs[0].name}> Tab1 <ChildComponent1 values={this.state.values} test="ok"/> </Tab> <Tab eventKey={tabs[1].key} title={tabs[1].name}>Tab2</Tab> </Tabs> </div> </div> </div> ) } 

And here i show the ChildComponent(in a seperate js file). 在这里,我展示了ChildComponent(在单独的js文件中)。

Inside the componentDidMount I try to show the props but the object that gets it like: {values:'',test:'ok'} componentDidMount内部,我尝试显示道具,但获得道具的对象如下: {values:'',test:'ok'}

var ChildComponent = React.createClass({

I guess that it is a delay issue, in which the chld component loads before the axios async returns the data from server 我猜这是一个延迟问题,其中chld组件在axios异步从服务器返回数据之前加载

Any help from someone that has dealt with a similar situation would be appriciated, thanks. 谢谢处理类似情况的人的任何帮助。

Because you're passing this.state.movies , instead of this.state.values to the ChildComponent . 因为您要将this.state.movies而不是this.state.values传递给ChildComponent

How you do it : 你是如何做到的

<ChildComponent1 values={this.state.movies} test="ok"/>

How it should be : 应该如何

<ChildComponent1 values={this.state.values} test="ok"/>

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