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[英]Who should own a plugin repository in an open source project

I developed a free web app during 1 year on my own. 我自己开发了1年的免费网络应用程序。 Last week, I released it, and had great feedback from community. 上周,我发布了它,并获得了社区的广泛反馈。

Some programmers inside the community told me they already worked on something similar, and shared me a github repository where I can find their implementation. 社区中的一些程序员告诉我他们已经在做类似的事情,并与我分享了一个github存储库,我可以在其中找到其实现。

Now, it is a great help, and there is thing in his implementation that I have still not develop which should be great help, and others than I have implemented that is not present in his plugin. 现在,这是一个很大的帮助,并且在他的实现中有一些东西我还没有开发出来,应该有很大的帮助,而我实现的其他东西却没有出现在他的插件中。

Now, how should we organize??? 现在,我们应该如何组织??? What I think is needed is merging my code with his plugin to make a more complete plugin. 我认为需要的是将我的代码与他的插件合并,以制作一个更完整的插件。

Should we do it in his repository? 我们应该在他的资料库里做吗? Should I create my own public repository and tell him that I merged our plugins into a single one??? 我是否应该创建自己的公共存储库,并告诉他我将插件合并为一个插件??? is it offensive not to use his repository??? 不使用他的存储库是否令人反感???

My app is free but not open source, so it would be great that only core plugin could be open source. 我的应用程序是免费的,但不是开源的,因此只有核心插件才可以开源是很棒的。 This is my first released app, so I don't really know how things should do... 这是我第一个发布的应用程序,所以我真的不知道该怎么做...

The only thing I think is if my system is going to have a main core, I should "host" it. 我认为唯一的事情是,如果我的系统要有一个主内核,则应该“托管”它。

Any advice??? 有什么建议吗?

It depends on the license of the both the projects. 这取决于两个项目的许可证。 You can't simply merge the other developer's project to your project without following the license terms. 您不能在不遵循许可条款的情况下简单地将其他开发人员的项目合并到您的项目中。 You can ask for his permission to merge the code to your project. 您可以请求他的许可,以将代码合并到您的项目中。

In my opinion you both must share a common repository for the project, GitHub allows you to add collaborators to the project. 我认为你们两个都必须为该项目共享一个公共存储库,GitHub允许您向该项目添加协作者。 The project will be shown on your GitHub profile. 该项目将显示在您的GitHub个人资料上。 You must update the readme, mentioning the ownership of the project. 您必须更新自述文件,并提及项目的所有权。 Another way to do this is using a GitHub organization for your project, so that the project is shown as the part of organization which you both are a part of. 做到这一点的另一种方法是为您的项目使用GitHub组织,以便该项目显示为组织的一部分,而你们俩都是组织的一部分。

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