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[英]How to count files inside folders and subfolders with PHP

Is there a effective way to count files inside a single folder which inside it have more files and subfolders? 是否有一种有效的方法来计算单个文件夹中的文件,其中包含更多文件和子文件夹?

I tried something like this, still didn't give me the right number. 我试过这样的事情,仍然没有给我正确的号码。 Windows recognise there are 159 files inside Images folder. Windows识别Images文件夹中有159个文件。 When I only get 144 当我只得到144

$img = count(glob("./assets/images/*.*"));
$about = count(glob("./assets/images/aboutus/*.*"));
$blog1 = count(glob("./assets/images/blog/*.*"));
$mason = count(glob("./assets/images/blog/masonary/*.*"));
$tl = count(glob("./assets/images/blog/timeline/*.*"));
$blog2 = count(glob("./assets/images/blogdetails/*.*"));
$gallery = count(glob("./assets/images/gallery/*.*"));
$home = count(glob("./assets/images/home/*.*"));
$keg = count(glob("./assets/images/kegiatan/*.*"));
$port1 = count(glob("./assets/images/portfolio/*.*"));
$port2 = count(glob("./assets/images/portfolio-details/*.*"));
$srv = count(glob("./assets/images/services/*.*"));
$usr = count(glob("./assets/images/users/*.*"));
$count = $img+$about+$blog1+$mason+$tl+$blog2+$gallery+$home+$keg+$port1+$port2+$srv+$usr;

Help?? 救命??

EDITED: Done. 编辑:完成。 My mistakes. 我的错。 I didn't count the subfolders in certain folder. 我没有计算某个文件夹中的子文件夹。

But still, is there a way to make it short? 但是,有没有办法让它缩短?

Here is a start of what you could try. 这是你可以尝试的一个开始。 You still need to modify it to count the files or count the array that is given. 您仍然需要修改它来计算文件或计算给定的数组。

function getFromDir( $dir ) {
    $cdir = scandir( $dir );
    $result = array();

    foreach( $cdir as $key => $value ) {
        if( !in_array( $value, array('.', '..') ) ) {
            if( is_dir( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value ) ) {
                $result[$value] = getFromDir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
            } else {
                $result[] = $value;

    return $result;

If you would pass "./assets/images/" as a paramater it should get all sub folders aswell. 如果您将"./assets/images/"作为参数传递,它应该获得所有子文件夹。

So you end up with something like: 所以你最终得到的结果如下:

$count = count(getFromDir("./assets/images/"));

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