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[英]Update Multi Row PHP with same value

I retrieve multiple rows from one table and I display them in a table like image in -> Click here for view the image <- 我从一张表中检索多行,并将它们显示在类似图像的表中-> 单击此处查看图像 <-

In the database, "status" value is set as "pending" so I want to choose several student and change the "status" to "approved" and then make one update that updates every row that i checked. 在数据库中,“状态”值设置为“待处理”,因此我想选择几个学生并将“状态”更改为“已批准”,然后进行一次更新,以更新我检查的每一行。

This is my code for the image above... 这是我上面图片的代码...


        echo "<table border='1'><tr>

        <td><strong>Student ID</strong></td>
        <td><strong>Student Name</strong></td>

        while ($ww=mysqli_fetch_array($query))
            if ($i%2==0)


        echo "<tr>
            <input type=hidden name=applyid[] value=".$id."/>
                <input type=checkbox name=status[] value=".$id."approved checked> APPROVED <br>
        echo "</table>";



    <a href="officerapplicationupdate.php?applyID=<?php echo $id; ?>"><input type="submit" value="Update"></a>


and this is the code for updating the row.. 这是用于更新行的代码。



    if(isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"]!="") {
        $idCount = count($_POST["status"]);
        for($i=0;$i<$idCount;$i++) {
            mysqli_query("UPDATE application SET apply_status='".$_POST["status"][$i]."'
            WHERE apply_id='".$_POST["applyid"]."'");


You can prepare your statement and execute it afterwards. 您可以准备您的语句,然后执行它。 This can be done like this: 可以这样完成:

   $in = array();
    if(isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"]!="") {
        $idCount = count($_POST["status"]);
        for($i=0;$i<$idCount;$i++) {
         $in[] .= $_POST["applyid"][$i];
    mysqli_query("UPDATE application SET apply_status='approved' WHERE apply_id IN '".implode(",",$in)."'");

So only one query is needed. 因此只需要一个查询。

You can also sum up the changes for other apply_status. 您还可以总结其他apply_status的更改。

Be aware to check the input comming from webpage to prevent SQL injection! 注意检查来自网页的输入以防止SQL注入!

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