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如何在drupal 7的基本页面文本中添加模块?

[英]How do I add a module to the text of a basic page in drupal 7?

How do I add a module to the text of a basic page in drupal 7 ? 如何在drupal 7的基本页面文本中添加模块?

I need some help. 我需要协助。 I am having some problems with the drupal donations module 我在drupal捐赠模块中遇到一些问题

I have done this before on this web site http://www.arguemax.com/_drupal-7.26/content/donate-using-paypal 我之前在此网站http://www.arguemax.com/_drupal-7.26/content/donate-using-paypal上完成了此操作

But now I can;t remember how I did this. 但是现在我不记得我是怎么做到的。

How do I put this module on a page I am creating? 如何将此模块放在正在创建的页面上? When I go to create the page, there does not seem to be an option to past complex tables or controls on it. 当我创建页面时,似乎没有选择过去的复杂表或控件。 I just has a large empty text area to edit the body of the text 我只有一个大的空白文本区域来编辑文本正文

I thnhk this is a simple thing. 我认为这很简单。

I was able to find the setting for Home >> Adminstration >> Configuration >> Web Services == PalPal donation and that set up the control 我能够找到“首页>>管理>>配置>> Web服务== PalPal捐赠”的设置,从而设置了控件

So I know it is ready to plop into the page 所以我知道它已经准备好进入页面

How do I plop it into the page? 如何将其放入页面? I remember there was something like a button bar associated with the text editor for the page that allowed me to add complex items like tables and like this particular module. 我记得页面的文本编辑器中有一个类似按钮栏的东西,它使我可以添加复杂的项目,例如表格和此特定模块。

As can be read in that module's Documentation, the module creates two blocks. 在该模块的文档中可以看到,该模块创建了两个块。

The steps you need to follow: 您需要遵循的步骤:

  1. Create an empty node of any content type. 创建任何内容类型的空节点。 You can alter the URL and attach it to a menu item as well. 您可以更改URL并将其附加到菜单项。
  2. Go to admin/structure/block and find the blocks your module provides. 转到admin / structure / block并找到您的模块提供的块。
  3. Hit "configure" on one or both of them. 在其中一个或两个上单击“配置”。
  4. In each block's settings, in the "pages" section (bottom of your screen) select "Only the listed pages" and enter the url of the empty page you created before. 在每个块的设置中,在“页面”部分(屏幕底部)中选择“仅列出的页面”,然后输入之前创建的空白页面的URL。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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