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yui 或 yui3

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Is YUI3 ready mature enough? YUI3准备好成熟了吗? What are its advantages and disadvantes vs YUI它与 YUI 的优缺点是什么


Corwin is incorrect about files changing on the yui.yahooapis.com servers -- if you use the YUI 3 PR 2 release from our servers, those files will remain there even when subsequent releases come out. Corwin 关于 yui.yahooapis.com 服务器上的文件更改是不正确的——如果您使用我们服务器上的 YUI 3 PR 2 版本,即使后续版本发布,这些文件也会保留在那里。

It's true that the API will change some as we move toward beta 1 (scheduled for June) and then to GA.确实,API 会随着我们向 beta 1(计划在 6 月发布)然后向 GA 移动而发生一些变化。 We will undoubtedly make changes that will require your attention and time as you upgrade.毫无疑问,我们会在您升级时做出需要您注意和时间的更改。 That -- and the fact that YUI 3 doesn't contain all of the functionality of YUI 2.7.0 (the current release in the 2.x codeline) -- is the primary reason to hold off right now.这——以及 YUI 3 不包含 YUI 2.7.0(2.x 代码行中的当前版本)的所有功能这一事实——是现在推迟的主要原因。

You can learn more about YUI 3 and how it's different from 2.7.0 here:您可以在此处了解有关 YUI 3 以及它与 2.7.0 有何不同的更多信息:

http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3711767/10207432 http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3711767/10207432

We're using YUI 3 on the next version of Yahoo's homepage.我们正在雅虎主页的下一个版本中使用 YUI 3。 You can read about that here:你可以在这里阅读:

http://yuiblog.com/blog/2008/11/11/frontpage-and-yui3/ http://yuiblog.com/blog/2008/11/11/frontpage-and-yui3/

Regards, Eric问候, 埃里克

I've been using YUI3 exclusively since the PR2 release.自 PR2 发布以来,我一直在专门使用 YUI3。 There has been a lot that has changed since then, but my specific application code didn't have to change too much.从那以后发生了很多变化,但我的特定应用程序代码不必更改太多。 I have also been tracking all the major changes in YUI3 during the past months.在过去的几个月里,我也一直在跟踪 YUI3 的所有主要变化。

It's now June, and things appear to be coming close to beta 1 as I'm seeing a ton of documentation related commits.现在是 6 月,事情似乎接近 beta 1,因为我看到了大量与文档相关的提交。 I would recommend using YUI3 over 2 if you're looking for very nice, feature-rich base JavaScript library.如果您正在寻找非常好的、功能丰富的基础 JavaScript 库,我建议您使用 YUI3 over 2。 If you need a bunch of generic widgets, it is possible to have both YUI2 and YUI3 running together, although things will be complicated and your code will be using mixed APIs;如果你需要一堆通用的小部件,可以同时运行 YUI2 和 YUI3,虽然事情会很复杂,而且你的代码会使用混合 API; but you may want to stick with YUI2.但你可能想坚持使用 YUI2。

YUI3 is becoming a pretty great library and framework, it has matured greatly in functionality, performance, and cohesiveness since PR2. YUI3 正在成为一个非常棒的库和框架,自 PR2 以来,它在功能、性能和内聚性方面都非常成熟。

YUI3 is still in flux. YUI3 仍在不断变化中。 The code-base is going to keep changing and features or syntax you rely on now may change abruptly if you link directly to the YUI3 files on the yahoo servers.如果您直接链接到 yahoo 服务器上的 YUI3 文件,代码库将不断变化,您现在依赖的功能或语法可能会突然发生变化。 YUI2 is quite capable and would be the safer bet if you don't want to go rewriting your code to accommodate unforeseen changes. YUI2 非常有能力,如果您不想 go 重写代码以适应不可预见的变化,那么 YUI2 将是更安全的选择。

I'd go with YUI3.我会 go 与 YUI3。

Still, you may find some features that hasn't been ported yet to YUI3 (for example, few months ago I've needed autocomplete and, at the moment, YUI3 AC was still in beta), and in that case you may try this: https://github.com/yui/2in3 It helps you to import YUI2 dependencies while using YUI3.不过,您可能会发现一些尚未移植到 YUI3 的功能(例如,几个月前我需要自动完成功能,而此时,YUI3 AC 仍处于测试阶段),在这种情况下,您可以试试这个: https://github.com/yui/2in3它可以帮助您在使用 YUI3 时导入 YUI2 依赖项。

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