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C# / Windows Forms - 我如何确定某人当前是否在“拖拽”? (不在 DragOver 事件中)

[英]C# / Windows Forms - How can I determine if someone is currently “Dragging”? (not in DragOver event)

Assuming that I'm in a function that is called in a Timer on in Windows Forms class... how can I tell if the user is currently attempting to "Drag" something? Assuming that I'm in a function that is called in a Timer on in Windows Forms class... how can I tell if the user is currently attempting to "Drag" something?


public void SomeMethod()
    // This doesn't exist of course :)
    if (Mouse.IsDragging) ...

EDIT: I should specify that I know that I can override DragEnter and DragLeave to set my own private variable... but I'm asking/looking for a '.Nety' solution if one exists.编辑:我应该指定我知道我可以覆盖 DragEnter 和 DragLeave 来设置我自己的私有变量......但如果存在的话,我正在询问/寻找一个“.Nety”解决方案。


        bool mDragging;
            mDragging = true;
            DoDragDrop("test", DragDropEffects.All);
            mDragging = false;


    public static bool IsDragging()
        StackFrame[] frames = new StackTrace(false).GetFrames();
        foreach (StackFrame frame in frames)
            System.Reflection.MethodBase mb = frame.GetMethod();
            if (mb.Module.Name == "System.Windows.Forms.dll" && mb.Name == "DoDragDrop")
                return true;
        return false;

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