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[英]Redirecting to another page conditionally and sending parameters through POST in PHP

I have a page which takes input data from users trying to create a new account on my website. 我有一个页面,它从用户尝试在我的网站上创建一个新帐户获取输入数据。 Although I want to check the values of the data before the page is redirected to send the input data to the database. 虽然我想在重定向页面之前检查数据的值,以将输入数据发送到数据库。 I have created a verification form which redirects back to the same page when the user clicks submit, so as to check the values, but if all the values are okay, then I want to send the parameters inputted to another page which will input them in the database. 我创建了一个验证表单,当用户点击提交时重定向回同一页面,以便检查值,但是如果所有值都没问题,那么我想将输入的参数发送到另一个页面,然后输入它们数据库。 Is there a way to do this conditionally in PHP? 有没有办法在PHP中有条件地执行此操作? I've tried to implement it with a simple boolean checking if any of the parameters inputted are incorrect, but don't know how to send the params along with the redirection. 我试图用一个简单的布尔检查来实现它,如果输入的任何参数是不正确的,但不知道如何发送params以及重定向。

Here is a shortened version of the code with just some of the forms: 这是一个缩短版的代码,只有一些形式:

// Connection to database

$hasErrors = false;
$errorFName = $errorLName = $errorEmail = "";
$fName = $lName = $email = "";

    if (empty($_POST["fName"])) {
    $errorFName = "This field is required.";
    $hasErrors = true;
else {
    $name = validation($_POST["fName"]);
    //name cannot contain any symbols or numbers
    if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$fName)) {
      $errorFName = "Only letters and white space allowed"; 
      $hasErrors = true;


function validation($input) { 
    $input = trim($input);
    $input = stripslashes($input);
    $input = htmlspecialchars($input);
    return $input;

<form class="loginForm" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
    <table class="loginTable">
            <td><label for="newDetail">First Name: </label>
                <input type="text" class="formBox" value="" id="newDetail" name="fName">
                <?php echo $errorFName;?>
            <td><label for="newDetail">Password: </label>
                <input type="text" class="formBox" value="" id="newDetail" name="pword">
            <td><button type="submit" class="loginButton" name="submitNew">Submit</button></td>


Thanks! 谢谢!

You could store the $_POST variables in sessions. 您可以在会话中存储$ _POST变量。

$_SESSION["firstname"] = $_POST["fname"];

Then redirect to the required page 然后重定向到所需的页面

header("location: welcomepage.php");

Then grab the variables from the session and process, maybe insert to database for future use. 然后从会话和进程中获取变量,可以插入数据库以备将来使用。

$firstname = $_SESSION["firstname"];

您可以使用<meta http-equiv="refresh">手动重定向:

echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0, welcomepage.php?params=params">';

I'm not quite sure why you would like to pass parameters to other page - it qould be much easier to process them right here. 我不太确定你为什么要将参数传递给其他页面 - 在这里处理它们要容易得多。 If it is a general messines of the code you dislike - you can pass data to a function or a method from an included file. 如果它是您不喜欢的代码的一般信息 - 您可以将数据传递给包含文件中的函数或方法。

However, if it is really necessary to save data from a separate page I would recommend sending them via cURL : 但是,如果确实需要从单独的页面保存数据,我建议通过cURL发送它们:

$post          = array(/*put all your variables here*/);
$params        = http_build_query($post);
$url           = 'http://your.domain.com/receiver.php';
$curl          = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
$result        = curl_exec($curl);

This way anything you would output on the receiving page will end up in $result , so you can confirm to a user that his/her data was saved. 这样,您在接收页面上输出的任何内容都将以$result结尾,因此您可以向用户确认他/她的数据已保存。

NB: whatever you would end up doing - do NOT pass the data to the receiving page as GET. 注意:无论你最终做什么 - 不要将数据作为GET传递给接收页面。 It is insecure and every time someone does this a puppy dies! 这是不安全的,每当有人这样做,一只小狗就会死!

More info on curl: http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php 有关curl的更多信息: http//php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php

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