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[英]ORACLE SQL CSV Column comparison

I have a table with CSV values as column. 我有一个表,其中包含CSV值作为列。 I want use that column in where clause to compare subset of CSV is present or not. 我想在where子句中使用该列来比较是否存在CSV子集。 For example Table has values like 例如,表的值如下

1| 'A,B,C,D,E'

Query: 查询:

select id from tab where csv_column contains 'A,C' ; 从其中csv_column包含'A,C'的标签中选择ID;

This query should return 1. 该查询应返回1。

How to achieve this in SQL? 如何在SQL中实现呢?

You can handle this using LIKE , making sure to search for the three types of pattern for each letter/substring which you intend to match: 您可以使用LIKE处理此问题,请确保为要匹配的每个字母/子字符串搜索三种模式:

FROM yourTable
WHERE (csv_column LIKE 'A,%' OR csv_column LIKE '%,A,%' OR csv_column LIKE '%,A')
      (csv_column LIKE 'C,%' OR csv_column LIKE '%,C,%' OR csv_column LIKE '%,C')

Note that match for the substring A means that either A, , ,A, or ,A appears in the CSV column. 需要注意的是匹配的子串A意味着要么A, ,A,,A出现在CSV列。

We could also write a structurally similar query using INSTR() in place of LIKE , which might even give a peformance boost over using wildcards. 我们还可以使用INSTR()代替LIKE编写结构上类似的查询,甚至可以比使用通配符提高性能。

there's probably something funky you can do with regular expressions but in simple terms... if A and C will always be in that order 您可以使用正则表达式进行一些时髦的操作,但是简单来说...如果A和C始终保持该顺序

csv_column LIKE '%A%C%'

otherwise 除此以外

(csv_column LIKE '%A%' AND csv_column LIKE '%C%' )

If you don't want to edit your search string, this could be a way: 如果您不想编辑搜索字符串,可以采用以下方法:

select *
from yourTable
where csv like '%' || replace('A,C', ',', '%') || '%' 

For example: 例如:

with yourTable(id, csv) as (
  select 1, 'A,B,C,D,E' from dual union all
  select 2, 'A,C,D,E'   from dual union all
  select 3, 'B,C,D,E'   from dual 
select *
from yourTable
where csv like '%' || replace('A,C', ',', '%') || '%' 

gives: 给出:

        ID CSV
---------- ---------
         1 A,B,C,D,E
         2 A,C,D,E

Consider that this will only work if the characters in the search string have the same order of the CSV column; 请注意,这仅在搜索字符串中的字符与CSV列的顺序相同时才有效; for example: 例如:

with yourTable(id, csv) as (
  select 1, 'C,A,B' from dual 
select *
from yourTable
here csv like '%' || replace('A,C', ',', '%') || '%' 

will give no results 没有结果


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