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[英]IdentityServer4 and calling a custom function

What I'm trying to achieve is this: set up an instance of IdentityServer4 that hands off authentication of a username/password to a function located in another .net assembly. 我要实现的目标是:设置IdentityServer4实例,该实例将用户名/密码的身份验证传递给位于另一个.net程序集中的函数。 I understand that OpenID Connect is one option but coming up with a custom IdP gives the impression of making a mountain out of a molehill. 我知道OpenID Connect是一种选择,但是提供自定义的IdP可以给人以摆脱困境的印象。

Are there any simple ways of achieving this using Identityserver? 是否有使用Identityserver实现此目的的简单方法?

Yes. 是。 In your ConfigureServices method in Startup you need to register your own implementations of IProfileService and IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator . StartupConfigureServices方法中,您需要注册自己的IProfileServiceIResourceOwnerPasswordValidator For example: 例如:

services.AddTransient<IProfileService, CustomProfileService>();
services.AddTransient<IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator, ResourceOwnerPasswordValidator>();

The ValidatedAsync method on the IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator is where you can then access the username/password and call your own assemblies for validation. 然后,您可以在IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator上使用ValidatedAsync方法访问用户名/密码并调用自己的程序集进行验证。 You then return a GrantValidationResult object from that method to indicate success/failure. 然后,您从该方法返回GrantValidationResult对象以指示成功/失败。 For example: 例如:

public Task ValidateAsync(ResourceOwnerPasswordValidationContext context)
        logWriter.Debug("Validating resource owner password: " + context.UserName);
        if (_userRepository.ValidatePassword(context.UserName, context.Password))
            context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(context.UserName, "password");
            return Task.FromResult(0);

        logWriter.Debug("Unauthorised resource owner password for: " + context.UserName);
        return Task.FromResult(new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.UnauthorizedClient));

The IProfileService is where you can set the claims on the context, for example by examining what has been requested (as defined in the ApiResource definition) and then make your own calls to whichever assemblies/repo you need to find out the details for those claims. IProfileService是您可以在上下文上设置声明的位置,例如,通过检查请求的内容(在ApiResource定义中定义),然后对需要的程序集/存储库进行自己的调用,以查找这些声明的详细信息。

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