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无法使用 SPNEGO Java GSS 机制编译安全认证

[英]Unable to compile Secure Authentication Using SPNEGO Java GSS Mechanism

I am trying to run the example GssSpNegoClient.java at the java tutorial Secure Authentication Using SPNEGO Java GSS Mechanism and I am not able to compile because of a line:我正在尝试在 Java 教程Secure Authentication Using SPNEGO Java GSS Mechanism 中运行示例 GssSpNegoClient.java,但由于以下行,我无法编译:

Jaas.loginAndAction("client", action);

The compiler is complaining that Jaas not found.编译器抱怨没有找到Jaas I am sure I've all the imports in place from the tutorial.我确信我已经完成了教程中的所有导入。 What am I missing here?我在这里缺少什么?

请确保 %JAVA_HOME%/bin 在系统 PATH 中。

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