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[英]How can I assign a list (or series) to every element in column in Pandas?

How can I assign temp_list to every element in the column "PLAYERS"? 如何为“ PLAYERS”列中的每个元素分配temp_list?

temp_list =['a','b']

0   1980   United States         840     42        0
1   1980  Czech Republic         203      2        0
2   1980     New Zealand         554      3        0
3   1980           Italy         380      4        0
4   1980        Paraguay         600      2        0
5   1980          Brazil          76      3        0
6   1980           Chile         152      2        0

Create a list of lists with length same of dataframe and assign it? 创建长度与数据帧相同的列表列表并分配它?

In [685]: df['PLAYERS'] = [temp_list] * len(df.index)

In [686]: df
0  1980   United States         840     42  [a, b]
1  1980  Czech Republic         203      2  [a, b]
2  1980     New Zealand         554      3  [a, b]
3  1980           Italy         380      4  [a, b]
4  1980        Paraguay         600      2  [a, b]
5  1980          Brazil          76      3  [a, b]
6  1980           Chile         152      2  [a, b]

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