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[英]Hide HTML element from 20:00 to 08:00 GMT

How can I hide a button from a web page for 12 hours? 如何在网页上隐藏按钮12个小时? This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

var now = new Date();
var millisTill20 = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 20, 0, 0, 0) - now;

if (millisTill20 < 0) {
    millisTill20 += 86400000;
console.log('millisTill20 ' + millisTill20);

setTimeout(function() {
}, millisTill20);

At 20:00 the script runs, it does hide the element but when I refresh the page the button comes back. 在20:00脚本运行时,它确实隐藏了元素,但是当我刷新页面时,按钮又回来了。

I encountered another issue, if a user comes to my website at 20:01 he can see the button, how can this be fixed? 我遇到了另一个问题,如果某个用户在20:01进入我的网站,他可以看到该按钮,该如何解决? I understand that this is because I'm using a client-side script but I can't use server-side because I'm using Salesforce. 我了解这是因为我使用的是客户端脚本,但是由于使用的是Salesforce,所以无法使用服务器端。

Rather than do all the start/end time math, just get the GMT hour. 无需进行所有的开始/结束时间数学运算,只需获取GMT小时即可。 If it's >= 20, or < 8, hide the element. 如果> = 20或<8,则隐藏该元素。 Otherwise, show it. 否则,请显示它。

 function checkOnline() { var el = document.getElementById('button_online'); var hours = (new Date()).getUTCHours(); if ((hours >= 20) || (hours < 8)) el.style.display = 'none'; else el.style.display = ''; } // set correct state on page load checkOnline(); // re-check once per minute setInterval( checkOnline, 60000 ); 
 <button id=button_online>button</button> 

I think you need to think about this a bit differently. 我认为您需要对此有所不同。 This is going to hide the button at a certain time but doesn't handle reloading etc. You need to show or hide it on load. 这将在特定时间隐藏按钮,但不处理重新加载等。您需要在加载时显示或隐藏它。 Your script will hide the button if a user has had the page open and not navigating around. 如果用户打开了页面并且没有四处浏览,则脚本将隐藏该按钮。

Check if the current time is between those hours and then get rid of the button: 检查当前时间是否在这些小时之间,然后取消按钮:

var d = new Date();
if (d.getHours() >= 20 && d.getHours() < 8) {

The below code will do the job, without using setTimeout(). 下面的代码将完成此工作,而无需使用setTimeout()。

var currentDate = new Date();
var currentHour = currentDate.getHours();

if(currentHour>19 || currentHour<9) {
    $("#button_online").remove(); // it is better to remove than hide, beacuse someone on client side can still use the button if it is there.

getHours() function on W3: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_gethours.asp W3上的getHours()函数: http : //www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_gethours.asp

The above code will remove the button on page load. 上面的代码将删除页面加载上的按钮。

But there can be a situation like this: 但是可能会有这样的情况:

It's 19:59 and a client loaded the page, the button is not removed. 现在是19:59,客户端加载了该页面,该按钮未删除。 Then it's 20:00 but the button is still there, because the page is loaded on 19:59. 然后是20:00,但按钮​​仍然存在,因为页面在19:59加载。

If you want to check this situation too, you can wrap the above code in a function and repeat it periodicly : 如果您也想检查这种情况,可以将上面的代码包装在一个函数中并定期重复执行:

$(document).ready(function() {

function checkTheTime() {
    var currentDate = new Date();
    var currentHour = currentDate.getHours();

    if(currentHour>19 || currentHour<9) {
        $("#button_online").remove(); // it is better to remove than hide, beacuse someone on client side can still use the button if it is there.

    setTimeout(checkTheTime, 1000);// period=1 second;

This one works perfectly fine 这个很好用

 var b; function checkBtn(){ b=setTimeout(checkTime,1000); // check in every second } function checkTime(){ var btn = document.getElementById('btn'); var d = new Date(); d = d.getHours(); if(d >= 20 || d<= 8){ btn.style.display="none"; clearTimeout(b); } else{ btn.style.display=""; checkBtn(); } } 
 <body onload="checkBtn();"> <input type="button" id="btn" /> 

The below code uses a setInterval to check the time every second. 以下代码使用setInterval每秒检查一次时间。 If the current hour is between 8 and 20 it shows the button, otherwise it hides it. 如果当前时间在8到20之间,则显示按钮,否则将其隐藏。

 function checkOnlineAvailability() { var now = new Date(); var hour = now.getHours(); // remove the following line, only present for testing various random hours hour = parseInt(Math.random()*24); if (hour >= 8 && hour < 20) { console.log(hour + 'h is within the available time frame'); $('#button_online').show(); } else { console.log(hour + 'h is NOT within the available time frame'); $('#button_online').hide(); } } checkOnlineAvailability(); setInterval(checkOnlineAvailability, 1000); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button id="button_online">ONLINE</button> 


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