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[英]Error in R CMD SHLIB compiling C code

I am trying to use R CMD SHLIB for a C program written using Lapack and Blas . 我正在尝试将R CMD SHLIB用于使用LapackBlas编写的C程序。 I am using the command prompt in Windows. 我在Windows中使用命令提示符。 But it seems unable to link to the external libraries. 但它似乎无法链接到外部库。 How can I link these libraries? 我如何链接这些库?

D:\R\testR>Rcmd SHLIB fmpc.c
c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/gcc -shared -s -static-libgcc -o fmpc.dll tmp.def fmpc.o
-Ld:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/lib/x64 -Ld:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/lib -L
D:/R/R-3.3.2/bin/x64 -lR
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x76d): undefined reference to `dposv_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x800): undefined reference to `dtrtrs_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x83b): undefined reference to `dtrtrs_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x92f): undefined reference to `dposv_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x9bf): undefined reference to `dtrtrs_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0x9fa): undefined reference to `dtrtrs_'
fmpc.o:fmpc.c:(.text+0xb19): undefined reference to `dgemm_'

You have a linker error and not a compiler error. 您有链接器错误而不是编译器错误。 The compilation step passed fine. 编译步骤顺利通过。

Solution: Tell R to link against the missing library, most by adding a file src/Makevars.win with the following: 解决方案:告诉R链接缺少的库,大多数是通过添加以下文件src/Makevars.win


It is a variable declaration using other variable which R knows. 它是使用R知道的其他变量的变量声明。

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