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在用户脚本中使用 SmtpJS:不起作用,没有错误消息?

[英]Using SmtpJS in a userscript: Doesn't work, no error messages?

I'm trying to send an email through a userscript using smtpjs because it seems the easiest approach.我正在尝试使用 smtpjs 通过用户脚本发送电子邮件,因为这似乎是最简单的方法。 However it seems more difficult than just sending it by javascript that is embedded in a HTML page.然而,它似乎比仅通过嵌入在 HTML 页面中的 javascript 发送它更困难。 Using this userscript ( based on the smtpjs website ) I get no error in the console and no email is sent, is this a framework issue or am I missing something here?使用此用户脚本(基于 smtpjs 网站)我在控制台中没有收到任何错误,也没有发送电子邮件,这是框架问题还是我在这里遗漏了什么? (if you suggest an easier way to send emails within a userscript don't hesitate to share) (如果您建议在用户脚本中发送电子邮件的更简单方法,请不要犹豫分享)

 // ==UserScript==
    // @name         New Userscript
    // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
    // @version      0.1
    // @description  try to take over the world!
    // @author       You
    // @match        *
    // @grant        none
    // @require      http://smtpjs.com/smtp.js
    // ==/UserScript==

    if (confirm("send mail?")) {
                   "This is a subject",
                   "this is the body",

(I tried gmailAPI (pure JS version doesn't support sending emails?) and emailjs framework without success in userscripts) (我尝试了 gmailAPI(纯 JS 版本不支持发送电子邮件?)和 emailjs 框架,但在用户脚本中没有成功)

If you look at the smtpjs.com source , it creates a post request url, then appends it to the document inside of a <link> .如果您查看smtpjs.com 源代码,它会创建一个发布请求 url,然后将其附加到<link>内的文档中。 This won't work on secure pages.这不适用于安全页面。

/* SmtpJS.com */
Email = {
  send: function (t, e, o, n, d, r, c) {
    var a = Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random() + 1),
     m = "http://smtpjs.com/smtp.aspx?";
     m += "From=" + t,
     m += "&to=" + e,
     m += "&Subject=" + encodeURIComponent(o),
     m += "&Body=" + encodeURIComponent(n),
     void 0 == d.token ?
       (m += "&Host=" + d, m += "&Username=" + r, m += "&Password=" + c, m += "&Action=Send") :
       (m += "&SecureToken=" + d.token, m += "&Action=SendFromStored"),
     m += "&cachebuster=" + a,
  addScript: function (t) {
    var e = document.createElement("link");
    e.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"),
    e.setAttribute("type", "text/xml"),
    e.setAttribute("href", t),

You could use most of the above code... keep the send function, but replace the addScript function with a GM_xmlhttpRequest to post the data to their server.您可以使用上面的大部分代码...保留send功能,但将addScript功能替换为GM_xmlhttpRequest以将数据发布到他们的服务器。

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