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[英]Escaping closure for operators in Swift

How can I store the function used to evaluate an operator in a variable in Swift? 如何在Swift的变量中存储用于求值运算符的函数?

Neither Int.< nor Int.`<` seem to compile for me. Int.<Int.`<`似乎都没有为我编译。

For alphanumeric function names, this works just fine: 对于字母数字函数名称,这可以正常工作:

extension Comparable {
    static func lessThan(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs < rhs

let comparator = Int.lessThan

I know I can create a new closure like this, but I feel like there must be a more elegant way: 我知道我可以像这样创建一个新的闭包,但是我觉得必须有一个更优雅的方法:

let comparator: (Int, Int) -> Bool = {
    return $0 < $1

Please note that < actually is a static function on Comparable in Swift 3, and the top-level operator < only is a wrapper for that: 请注意, <实际上是Swift 3中Comparable上的静态函数,而顶级运算符<仅是该封装器:

public protocol Comparable : Equatable {
    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool


let comparator: (Int, Int) -> Bool = (<)

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