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[英]Css3 animation jumps to last keyframe on mobile without animating

I am trying to build a simple animation of a beaker tipping over. 我正在尝试制作烧杯倾翻的简单动画。 Everything is working great on desktop, but both iOS Safari and chrome, when the animation starts it jumps immediately to the last key frame (100%). 一切在桌面上都运行良好,但是iOS Safari和chrome都可以在动画启动时立即跳到最后一个关键帧(100%)。 So this tells me the animation is firing, but for some reason it just doesn't want to well... animate. 因此,这告诉我动画正在触发,但是由于某种原因,它只是不想播放动画。

Here is my scss code. 这是我的scss代码。 I have an auto-prefixer, I've checked and double checked, it doesn't seem to be anything to do with -webkit. 我有一个自动前缀,我已经检查并仔细检查过,它似乎与-webkit无关。 Any help would be awesome!! 任何帮助都是极好的!!

/** Our Process Area Edits **/
&.our-process-title {
  #our-process-svg {
    width: rem-calc(150);
    height: rem-calc(150);
    margin: 50px auto;
    transform: translateZ(0);
    animation-name: beakerShake;
    animation-duration: 4s;
    animation-iteration-count: 1;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-play-state: paused;

    &.running {
      animation-play-state: running;

    @-webkit-keyframes beakerShake {
      0% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      5% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(20deg); }
      15% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-25deg); }
      20% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      40% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      50% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(5deg); }
      55% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-10deg); }
      58% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(15deg); }
      60% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      65% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      72% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(30deg); }
      78% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-35deg); }
      85% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      95% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      100% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(105deg);}

    @keyframes beakerShake {
      0% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      5% { transform: rotateZ(20deg); }
      15% { transform: rotateZ(-25deg); }
      20% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      40% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      50% { transform: rotateZ(5deg); }
      55% { transform: rotateZ(-10deg); }
      58% { transform: rotateZ(15deg); }
      60% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      65% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      72% { transform: rotateZ(30deg); }
      78% { transform: rotateZ(-35deg); }
      85% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      95% { transform: rotateZ(0deg);}
      100% { transform: rotateZ(105deg);}

EDIT: 编辑:

After trying one last thing, of course I found the culprit. 在尝试了最后一件事之后,我当然找到了罪魁祸首。 I am drawing this particular svg's path, and then when it's done drawing, changing the animation play state to running. 我正在绘制此特定svg的路径,然后绘制完成后,将动画播放状态更改为“正在运行”。 Here is my js : 这是我的js:

  svg.style.animationPlayState = svg.style.WebkitAnimationPlayState = 'running';
}, 4500);

Once i removed that functionality it all worked fine. 一旦我删除了该功能,它就可以正常工作。 I really need this the animation to fire after the svg is drawn (for obvious reasons). 我真的需要动画在绘制svg之后触发(出于明显的原因)。 Any help would be awesome. 任何帮助都是极好的。

Turns out this is an issue with how iOS and the mobile broswers handle the animation play state... Essentially they don't. 事实证明,这与iOS和移动浏览器如何处理动画播放状态有关。

The solution was to add the class 解决方案是添加类

.no-animation {
    animation: none !important;

to the element, and remove that class with js when the time is right. 到元素,并在适当的时候使用js删除该类。 Feels kind of like a hack, but its the only thing I could find to work on both mobile and desktop. 感觉有点像黑客,但我发现它在移动设备和台式机上都可以工作。 If anyone has better suggestions, I'd love to hear them! 如果有人有更好的建议,我很想听听他们的建议!

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