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如何在PHP Laravel Twig中按类别过滤记录?

[英]How to filter Records by category in PHP Laravel Twig?

I'm making a simple gallery using OctoberCMS , based on Laravel and Twig . 我正在使用基于LaravelTwig的 OctoberCMS创建一个简单的画廊。

How can I filter records by category? 如何按类别过滤记录?

Here is how I'm doing it now, but I don't think this is a good solution: 这是我现在的做法,但我认为这不是一个好的解决方案:

I filter the html, but the full records still exists for all the items outside the category, causing extra pagination and blank pages. 我过滤了html,但是该类别以外的所有项目的完整记录仍然存在,从而导致了额外的分页和空白页。

Database 数据库

  • A Table 'gallery' holds list of category names. 表“图库”包含类别名称列表。

  • A Table 'images' holds the image names and their tagged categories. 表“图像”包含图像名称及其标记的类别。

Image List 图片清单

The URL parameters are /gallery/:category?/:page? URL参数是/ gallery /:category?/:page?

Visiting a url like /gallery/nature/1 will filter images by category using a for loop. 访问类似/ gallery / nature / 1之类的url将使用for循环按类别过滤图像。

<!-- Gallery Category Record Variable -->
{% set category = record.category %}

<!-- Image List -->
{% for record in records %}

    <!-- If Image Category Tag matches Gallery Category Name -->
    {% if record.category_tag == category %} 
        <img src="/{{ record.name }}.jpg">
    {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

Records 记录

Results for 'records' and 'record'. “记录”和“记录”的结果。

The for loop is showing 'gallery→category' record in 'images→category_tag' records. for循环在“图像→类别_标签”记录中显示“图库→类别”记录。

The pagination is showing all 'images→name' records. 分页显示所有“图像→名称”记录。

{% for record in records %} = (All in 'images')
{{ records }} = {<ul><li>...<a href="gallery/nature?page=2">2</a>} (All in 'images')
{{ record }} = {"category":"nature","id":7} (Current category in 'gallery')

Solution? 解?

Is there a way to filter the 'records' by category before generating the html list? 有没有一种方法可以在生成html列表之前按类别过滤“记录”?

This is how I would approach it : 这就是我的处理方式:

  • Create a Scope in your Images Model that filters by Page, Category ect.. 在图像模型中创建一个范围,该范围按页面,类别等进行过滤。
  • Handle the URL properties and logic in your component not view 在组件视图中处理URL属性和逻辑

Let's say Gallery Component : 假设图库组件:

URL : page.com/:cat/:page? 网址:page.com/:cat /:page?

    public function defineProperties()
        return [
            // Page # for pagination..
            'pageNumber' => [
                'title'       => 'Page #',
                'description' => 'Gallery Page #',
                'type'        => 'string',
                'default'     => '{{ :page }}',
            // Category slug
            'category' => [
                'title'       => 'Category',
                'description' => 'Gallery Cat',
                'type'        => 'string',
                'default'     => '{{ :cat }}',
            // Images to show per page
            'perPage' => [
                'title'             => 'Images per page',
                'type'              => 'string',
                'validationPattern' => '^[0-9]+$', //  validation
                'validationMessage' =>  'VValidation Error',
                'default'           => '15', 
            // if you want to add sorting
            'sortOrder' => [
                'title'       => 'Sort Order',
                'description' => 'Images Sort Order',
                'type'        => 'dropdown',
                'default'     => 'updated_at desc' 

public function getSortOrderOptions()
    return Image::$allowedSortingOptions;

public function init()
    $this->pageNumber   =  empty($this->property('pageNumber')) ? 1 :   $this->property('pageNumber');
    $this->perPage      =  $this->property('perPage');
    $this->sortOrder    =  $this->property('sortOrder');
    $this->category     =  $this->property('category');

public function onRun()

  // here you may want to do some checks 
 // and add logic before querying your DB

    return $this->listImages($this->pageNumber , $this->sortOrder,  $this->perPage, $this->category);


public function listImages($pageNumber, $sortOrder, $perPage, $category){

  // this is the scope you will define in your Images Model
 // to handle pagination, sorting, category filtering ect..

    $images = Images::listFrontEnd([
        'page'          => $pageNumber,
        'sort'          => $sortOrder,
        'perPage'       => $perPage,
        'category'      => $category,

   // small helper if the pagination # is > than last page
  // redirect to last page..

    $lastPage = $images->lastPage();

    if ($this->pageNumber > $lastPage && $this->pageNumber > 1){
            return Redirect::to($this->currentPageUrl(["page" =>  $lastPage]));

 $this->images  = $this->page['images'] = $images;


in your Image Model : 在您的图像模型中:

// list the allowed sorting options that will show up in your component

public static $allowedSortingOptions = array(
    'created_at asc'            => 'Images Created (ascending)',
    'created_at desc'           => 'Images Created (descending)',
    'updated_at asc'            => 'Images Updated (ascending)',

  //        ect....

// Scope for your component
public function scopelistImages($query, $options)
         * Default options
            'page'              => 1,
            'perPage'           => 15,
            'sort'              => 'updated_at',
            'category'          => null
        ], $options));

        // SORTING
        if (!is_array($sort)) {
            $sort = [$sort];

        foreach ($sort as $_sort) {

            if (in_array($_sort, array_keys(self::$allowedSortingOptions))) {
                $parts = explode(' ', $_sort);
                if (count($parts) < 2) {
                    array_push($parts, 'desc');
                list($sortField, $sortDirection) = $parts;
                if ($sortField == 'random') {
                    $sortField = Db::raw('RAND()');
                $query->orderBy($sortField, $sortDirection);

        // Filter by category

        return $query->paginate($perPage, $page);

Answer inspired from the RainLab Blog Plugin 灵感源自RainLab Blog插件

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