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从浏览器缓存访问文件时需要JS Refress Issue

[英]Require JS Refress Issue while file access from browser cache

Am using requiredjs. 我正在使用requiredjs。 After deployment to the any environment (now screenshot from local) am getting refresh issue. 部署到任何环境(现在是本地屏幕截图)后,出现刷新问题。 page is not loading properly. 页面无法正确加载。 I have checked in network tab in firebug. 我已经在Firebug中检查了“网络”标签。 its showing(below image). 其显示(下图)。 when the file get 200 OK (BF Cache) status, page not loading properly. 文件状态为200 OK(BF缓存)时,页面无法正确加载。


Error: 错误:


After giving ctrl+f5 给ctrl + f5后

all the pages are coming correctly. 所有页面都正确显示。


some time i need to give lot of ctrl+f5 then only its working asexpected 一段时间我需要给很多ctrl + f5,然后只有它的预期工作

my requirejs config file: 我的requirejs配置文件:

    baseUrl: "../../../../../../../Scripts",
    //waitSecond: 0,
    //urlArgs : "q="+new Date().getTime(),
    enforcedefine: true,
    paths: {
        //RequireJS Plugins.
        'text': 'lib/requirejs/text',
        'domReady': 'lib/requirejs/domReady',
        'app': 'app',
        'noext': 'lib/requirejs/noext',

        // Shared Libraries.
        'jquery': 'lib/Kendo/jquery.min',
        'jqueryMigrate': 'lib/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min',
        'jszip': 'lib/jszip',
        'kendo': 'lib/Kendo/kendo.all.min',
        'materialize': 'lib/materialize/materialize',
        'jqueryValidate': 'jquery.validate.min',
        'jsignature': 'lib/jSignature/jSignature.min',
        'jqueryMaskedinput': 'lib/jquery/jquery.maskedinput.min',
        'jqueryMd5': 'lib/jquery/jquery.md5',
        'truckNotifier': 'Controls/serviceTruck.Notifier'
    shim: {
        'app': {
            deps: ['kendo']
        'kendo': {
            deps: ['jquery', 'jszip'],
        'jqueryExtensions': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
        'materialize': {
            deps: ['jquery', 'kendo'],
        'krossRespJs': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
        'jqueryMaskedinput': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
        'truckUploadSelector': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
        'underscore': {
            exports: '_'

app.js file: app.js文件:

(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        ], factory);
    } else {
        // Browser globals
}(function (domReady,text,noext,$,kendo,jszip,truckNotifier) {
    'use strict';
    var app = kendo.observable({
        // ---- PUBLIC FIELDS ----
        DATE_FORMAT: 'MM/dd/yyyy',
        DATE_MASK: '99/99/9999',
        DATE_TIME_FORMAT: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm',
        DATE_TIME_MASK: '99/99/9999 99:99',
        PHONE_MASK: '(999) 999-9999',
        TIME_FORMAT: 'HH:mm',
        TIME_MASK: '99:99',
        $notifier: $('#notify_container'),
        router: new kendo.Router(),
        isInitialized: false,
        /** This call sets up background components of the current page.  */

        initialize: function () {
            var self = this;
            // Initialize this first so it can show loading while the rest 
            // of this module loads.

            if (!self.isInitialized) {
                $('.link-external').attr('target', '_blank');

                self.isInitialized = true;

            window.JSZip = jszip;

        showPleaseWait: function (show) {
        /* Pops up a notification at the top of the page. */
        notify: function (type, message) {
            var types = {
                'push': 'notifyPush',
                'info': 'notifyInfo',
                'success': 'notifySuccess',
                'error': 'notifyError',
                'warn': 'notifyWarn',
                'expired': 'notifyExpired'
            this.$notifier.serviceTruckNotifier(types[type], message);
    return app;

script used in View Page: 查看页面中使用的脚本:

    function (
        ) {
        var notifier = $('#notify_container'),
            message = '@(ViewBag.Message)';
        if (message != "") {
            notifier.serviceTruckNotifier("notifyExpired", "@C.LINK_HAS_BEEN_EXPIRED");


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link href="~/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <script src="~/Scripts/lib/requirejs/require.js"></script>
    <script src="~/Scripts/config.js"></script>

<body id="@RenderSection("BodyId", false)">
        System.Reflection.Assembly web = typeof(ServiceTruck.Web.Models.ExternalLogin).Assembly;

        System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo fvi = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(web.Location);
        string version = fvi.FileVersion;

        System.Reflection.AssemblyName webName = web.GetName();
        string myVersion = version.ToString();
        ViewBag.Version = myVersion;

    @RenderSection("featured", required: false)
    <section class="container-fluid">
    <!-- Service Truck Layout Footer Start -->
    <footer class="copy-right">
        <div class="col-md-6 text-left">
            <p>All rights reserved.</p>
            <p>Copyright © 2016 <a href="#">Name</a>.</p>
        <div class="col-md-6 text-right">
            <p>Build @myVersion</p>
            <p>Recommended Browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 48, Chrome 52</p>
    <!-- Service Truck Layout Footer End -->
    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)


One thing that is definitely wrong with your configuration is the shim for app : 您的配置中绝对有问题的一件事是appshim app

    'app': {
        deps: ['kendo']

Your app module is an AMD module: it calls define . 您的app模块是AMD模块:它调用define So you cannot use a shim for it. 因此,您不能使用shim Setting a shim for a module that cannot benefit from one can lead to undefined behavior. 为无法从中受益的模块设置shim会导致不确定的行为。

I've run experiments with this at times and got inconsistent results from one version of RequireJS to the next. 我有时对此进行过实验,从RequireJS的一个版本到下一个版本的结果不一致。 The point is that setting a shim for an AMD module has no defined semantics. 关键是为AMD模块设置shim没有定义的语义。

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