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Chrome Nacl视频解码器创建崩溃

[英]Chrome Nacl Video Decoder creation crash

I'm trying to create video decoder using Pepper api. 我正在尝试使用Pepper API创建视频解码器。 I compiled and ran the pepper example video decoder api (in the sdk) and sample works fine. 我编译并运行了Pepper示例视频解码器api(在sdk中),并且示例工作正常。 I'm trying to create a video decoder of my own but while i'm calling to create function my nacl library is crashing. 我正在尝试创建自己的视频解码器,但是在调用创建函数时,我的nacl库崩溃了。 I using the following c code: 我用下面的C代码:

    PPB_VideoDecoder_1_1 tmpdecoder;
    PP_Resource decoderon = 

The crash happened during the call to Create method. 崩溃发生在调用Create方法期间。

How do i know why this call is crashing? 我怎么知道为什么这个电话崩溃了? Is there any exception i can somehow see? 我能以某种方式看到任何例外吗? (instance is obviously initialized) (实例显然已初始化)

崩溃的原因是在与主线程不同的线程中调用Pepper API

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