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[英]TypeError converting circular structure to json

 var app = angular.module('app',['ngStorage']); app.controller('myController', ['$scope','$localStorage', function($scope, $localStorage){ var comment = [ { name : '', rating : '' } ] $scope.saveData = function (review) { comment.push(comment); localStorage.setItem("review", JSON.stringify(comment)); console.log("dkfjhdjhgjh",review); }; }]) 

When I am Inserting through Input Box I am getting TypeError. 通过输入框插入时出现TypeError。

You are adding the comment in... the comment! 您正在...中添加评论!


This creates a circular reference. 这将创建一个循环引用。 Maybe you want to do: comments.push(comment) ? 也许你想做: comments.push(comment)

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