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React:仅将道具添加到 React 组件而不是 html 标签(React.Children.map 递归)

[英]React: Adding props only to React component and not html tag (React.Children.map recursively)

I have a Form 's React component that manage several Field 's component and attach to them some props.我有一个Form的 React 组件,它管理多个Field的组件并将一些道具附加到它们上。 Until now, I created only simple form, like this到现在为止,我只创建了简单的表单,就像这样

    <FieldDropdown />

but now, I need a form with more complex structure, like this但现在,我需要一个结构更复杂的表格,像这样

        <a data-tab="first">First Tab</a>
        <a data-tab="second">Second Tab</a>

    <div data-tab="first">
        <FieldText />

    <div data-tab="second">
        <FieldText />

With simple form I added props to Field in this way通过简单的形式,我以这种方式向Field添加了道具

var Form = React.createClass({

    render: function(){
        <form onSubmit={this.submit} acceptCharset="UTF-8" ref={cForm.id}>
                React.Children.map(this.props.children, child => {

                    // if type is funtion the is a react component
                    if( typeof child.type === "function"){

                        return  React.cloneElement(child, {
                            attachToForm: this.attachToForm,
                            disabled: this.props.disabled

                     } else {

                         return child;




How can I modify Form to add some props only to Field 's component and not html tag?如何修改Form以仅将一些道具添加到Field的组件而不是 html 标签?

Each child component should have a type field, for normal html elements, this would be a string such as "span", "div", etc.每个子组件都应该有一个type字段,对于普通的 html 元素,这将是一个字符串,例如“span”、“div”等。

You can simply switch (or your conditional of choice) against that field.您可以简单地针对该字段switch (或您选择的条件)。

Simple abstracted version would be like:简单的抽象版本如下:

const Foo = (props) => (
  <div style={props.style}>FOO</div>

class App extends React.Component {
  render () {           
    return (
        { React.Children.map(this.props.children, child => {

          if(typeof child.type === 'string') {
              switch(child.type) {
                case 'span':
                  return React.cloneElement(child, { style: { background: 'pink' }});
                case 'div':
                  return React.cloneElement(child, { style: { background: 'red' }});
          } else {
              switch(child.type.name) {
                case 'Foo':
                  return React.cloneElement(child, { style: { background: 'blue' }});
          return child;

    <Foo />

With codepen:使用代码笔:

http://codepen.io/cjke/pen/qRQvmY?editors=0010 http://codepen.io/cjke/pen/qRQvmY?editors=0010

EDIT Based on the comments, the question is more about recursively walking the DOM tree - in which, its simple a duplicate of this question: React.Children.map recursively?编辑根据评论,问题更多是关于递归地遍历 DOM 树 - 其中,它是这个问题的简单重复: React.Children.map recursively?

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