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[英]Chef: WARN: Node has an empty run list

I'm running into an issue with Chef zero; 我遇到零厨师的问题; odd thing is that i have been provisioning many nodes this way without actually changing stuff but now it has broken. 奇怪的是,我一直在以这种方式配置许多节点,而实际上并未进行任何更改,但现在它已经坏了。

(python)➜  chef_files git:(develop) ✗ knife node list 

(python)➜  chef_files git:(develop) ✗ knife node show feeder2
Node Name:   feeder2
Environment: production
Run List:    role[base], role[feeder]

(python)➜  chef_files git:(develop) ✗ knife role list

(python)➜  chef_files git:(develop) ✗ knife zero converge --config <...>/chef_files/.chef/knife.rb  --ssh-user ec2-user --identity-file <...>.pem -P "$login_password" name:feeder2
INFO: Using configuration from <...>/chef_files/.chef/knife.rb
INFO: Remote command: sudo chef-client -S
INFO: Using configuration from <...>/chef_files/.chef/knife.rb
INFO: Started chef-zero at http://localhost:8889 with repository at .
  One version per cookbook
  clients at <...>/chef_files/clients
  cookbooks at <...>/chef_files/cookbooks, <...>/chef_files/site-cookbooks
  data_bags at <...>/chef_files/data_bags
  environments at <...>/chef_files/environments
  nodes at <...>/chef_files/nodes
  roles at <...>/chef_files/roles
  users at <...>/chef_files/users
  policies at <...>/chef_files/policies
    Starting Chef Client, version 12.16.42
    resolving cookbooks for run list: []
    Synchronizing Cookbooks:
    Installing Cookbook Gems:
    Compiling Cookbooks...
    [2017-02-11T15:30:04+00:00] WARN: Node feeder2 has an empty run list.
    Converging 0 resources

I have checked but the role/node json files are all there.... 我已经检查过了,但是角色/节点json文件都在那里。

Any tips/help is appreciated! 任何提示/帮助表示赞赏! Paul 保罗

Issue resolved however i don't fully understand it yet.... at some point when chef-zero (server) failed, i tried to fix it by running a new server as deamon or manually from the terminal. 问题已解决,但是我还不完全了解它。...在某个时候,Chef-zero(服务器)失败了,我尝试通过运行新服务器作为守护进程或从终端手动运行来修复它。 This instance is however empty and does not get filled by chef zero. 但是,此实例为空,不会被厨师零填充。

It got resolved after i stopped all chef-zero instances and started converge; 我停止所有零厨师实例并开始收敛后,问题得到解决。 this created a new instance which is then populated so the runlist and all is known. 这创建了一个新实例,然后将其填充,以便知道运行列表和所有实例。

Paul 保罗

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