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[英]How to return whole JSONObject?

I have this JSONFile 我有这个JSONFile

    "pageInfo": {
    "pagePic": "http://example.com/abc.jpg",
    "pageName": "abc"
  "id": 1,
  "posts": [
      "likesCount": "2",
      "nameOfPersonWhoPosted": "Jane Doe",
      "post_id": "0987654321_123456789012",
      "timeOfPost": "0987654321",
      "actor_id": "0987654321",
      "message": "Can't wait to see it!",
      "picOfPersonWhoPosted": "http://example.com/abc.jpg"

And I have this method to search by post_id in posts array 我有这种方法可以按posts数组中的post_id搜索

public JSONArray getPostList(String post_id) {

   JSONObject jsonObject = JSONFileUtil2.getFileJSONObject();
   JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("PostsDetails");

   JSONArray returnArr = new JSONArray();
   for (Object aJsonArray : arr) {
       jsonObject = (JSONObject) aJsonArray;

       JSONArray postsArr = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("posts");
        for (Object bJsonArray : postsArr) {
            jsonObject= (JSONObject) bJsonArray;
             if (jsonObject.get("post_id").equals(post_id)) {

   return returnArr;

But Im only getting a return value like this. 但是我只能得到这样的返回值。 I want to return the whole object including the id, pageInfo and posts object. 我想返回整个对象,包括id,pageInfo和posts对象。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

   "likesCount": "2",
   "nameOfPersonWhoPosted": "Jane Doe",
   "post_id": "0987654321_123456789012",
   "timeOfPost": "0987654321",
   "actor_id": "0987654321",
   "message": "Can't wait to see it!",
   "picOfPersonWhoPosted": "http://example.com/abc.jpg"

You can access to your found array json object by access to first for iteration object; 您可以通过首先访问迭代对象来访问找到的数组json对象; you don't overwrite jsonObject to access your desire object: 您不会覆盖jsonObject来访问所需的对象:

   for (Object aJsonArray : arr) {
       JSONObject foundJsonObject = (JSONObject) aJsonArray;

       JSONArray postsArr = (JSONArray) foundJsonObject.get("posts");
        for (Object bJsonArray : postsArr) {
            JSONObject postJsonObject= (JSONObject) bJsonArray;
             if (postJsonObject.get("post_id").equals(post_id)) {

but attention that your return obejct will be a JSONObject not JSONArray like this : 但请注意,您的返回对象将是JSONObject而不是JSONArray,如下所示:

    "pageInfo": {
    "pagePic": "http://example.com/abc.jpg",
    "pageName": "abc"
  "id": 1,
  "posts": [
      "likesCount": "2",
      "nameOfPersonWhoPosted": "Jane Doe",
      "post_id": "0987654321_123456789012",
      "timeOfPost": "0987654321",
      "actor_id": "0987654321",
      "message": "Can't wait to see it!",
      "picOfPersonWhoPosted": "http://example.com/abc.jpg"

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