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[英]Meta slider is not working error: $(…).flexslider is not a function

I am using with meta slider plugin. 我正在使用元滑块插件。 I created new slider and used the short code. 我创建了新的滑块并使用了短代码。 but the meta slider is not working and is giving this error: 但是meta滑块不起作用,并出现此错误:

TypeError: $(...).flexslider is not a function TypeError:$(...)。flexslider不是函数

I've tried many solutions but the problem is still the same. 我尝试了许多解决方案,但问题仍然相同。 Here is link 这是链接

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

The problem is because you are including the FlexSlider JS file before jQuery. 问题是因为您 jQuery 之前包含FlexSlider JS文件。 As FlexSlider relies on jQuery, this causes the error you're seeing. 由于FlexSlider依赖jQuery,因此会导致您看到的错误。

To fix this, put the <script> tag that references FlexSlider after the one for jQuery. 要解决此问题,请将引用FlexSlider的<script>标记放在jQuery标记的后面


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