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Jena 中的 SPARQL 查询打印文字

[英]SPARQL Query Printing Literal in Jena

I am trying to write a query for this owl model.我正在尝试为这个 owl 模型编写一个查询。

:Sensor rdf:type owl:Class;
:hasId rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty,
                rdfs:domain :Sensor;
                rdfs:range xsd:int.
:MedicalCountainer rdf:type :owlNamedIndividual,
                            :hasId "55"^^xsd:int .

I want to use sensor-id to retrieve the sensor name.我想使用 sensor-id 来检索传感器名称。 This is my query in Java, but I don't know why it doesn't print anything.这是我在 Java 中的查询,但我不知道为什么它不打印任何内容。 I knew that my query is right because I will get the answer in Protégé.我知道我的问题是正确的,因为我会在 Protégé 中得到答案。

String file = "C:/users/src/data.ttl";
Model model = FileManager.get().loadModel(file);
String queryString = "PREFIX : <http://semanticweb.org/sensor#>" +
                     "SELECT ?sensor" +
                     "WHERE {?sensor :hasId \"55"\^^<xsd:int>}";
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
try (QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model)) {
          ResultSet result = qexec.execSelect();
          for ( ; result.hasNext(); ) {
                  QuerySolution soln = result.nextSolution();
                  Resource r = soln.getResource("sensor");

The usage of the literal in the SPARQL query is wrong. SPARQL 查询中文字的用法是错误的。 Either you use要么你用

  1. a prefixed URI for the literal, ie "55"^^xsd:int , or文字的前缀 URI,即"55"^^xsd:int ,或
  2. you put the full URI into angle brackets, ie "55"\\^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int>您将完整的 URI 放入尖括号中,即"55"\\^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int>

but not a mixture of both.但不是两者的混合。

And always prefer to add all PREFIX declarations to the beginning of the SPARQL query in order to ensure proper parsing across all SPARQL services:并且总是倾向于将所有 PREFIX 声明添加到 SPARQL 查询的开头,以确保在所有 SPARQL 服务中正确解析:

PREFIX : <http://semanticweb.org/sensor#>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?sensor
  ?sensor :hasId "55"^^xsd:int

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