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[英]New maven project

I am using Eclipse Juno. 我正在使用Eclipse Juno。

I created a new simple maven project and it is in a SVN repository. 我创建了一个新的简单maven项目,它位于SVN存储库中。 However, when I checked in that project, none of the Maven Dependencies jar files got included. 但是,当我签入该项目时,没有包含任何Maven Dependencies jar文件。 In fact, The Maven Dependencies folder is not even there. 实际上, Maven Dependencies文件夹甚至不存在。 I am able to see that folder in my local machine but not in the repository and I am not sure why? 我可以在本地计算机上看到该文件夹​​,但在存储库中看不到该文件夹​​,我不确定为什么吗? I am assuming my project didn't get translated into a maven project when it got checked into the SVN repository? 我假设我的项目在被检入SVN存储库时没有被翻译成Maven项目吗?

Maven dependencies will be listed in your pom.xml file and the jar files will be automatically downloaded when someone checkout the project and compiles it. Maven依赖项将列在您的pom.xml文件中,并且当有人检出并编译项目时,jar文件将自动下载。 Actual jar files needn't be checked in to svn repository, it will just increase the project download size. 实际的jar文件无需检入svn存储库,只会增加项目的下载大小。

As mentioned here 正如这里提到的

Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after its command name svn) is a software versioning and revision control system distributed as open source under the Apache License. Apache Subversion(在命令名称svn后通常缩写为SVN)是一种软件版本控制和版本控制系统,根据Apache许可作为开源发布。 Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation() . 软件开发人员使用Subversion来维护文件的当前和历史版本,例如源代码,网页和documentation()

Simply SVN used to maintain source code of project files in a centralized system. SVN只是用来在集中式系统中维护项目文件的源代码。 Where as maven is a project builder which help to compile the project and package into war or jar or ear. maven是一个项目构建者,可以帮助您编译项目并将其打包到war或jar或ear中。

As the svn job is only to maintain source code of your project it only collects the source files from your project but not the dependencies. 由于svn作业仅用于维护项目的源代码,因此它仅从项目中收集源文件,而不从依赖项中收集源文件。

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