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管道中的@component 不工作 angular2

[英]The @component in pipes not working angular2

I don't know about the component in pipes:我不知道管道中的组件:

[] error [] 错误

[error message ] Argument of type '{ selector: string; [错误消息] '{选择器:字符串; templateUrl: string;模板网址:字符串; pipes: any[];管道:任何[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Component'. }' 不可分配给“组件”类型的参数。 Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pipes' does not exist in type 'Component'.对象字面量只能指定已知属性,并且“组件”类型中不存在“管道”。


import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {ocNotice} from './product';
import {NoticeFilterPipe} from './product-filter.pipe';
import {NoticeService} from './product.service'

    selector : 'pm-products',
    templateUrl : './app/products/product-list.component.html',
    pipes: [ noticeFilter ]

export class ProductListComponent{
    pageTitle : string = 'Notice List';
    imgW : number = 30;
    imgH : number = 30;
    showImage : boolean = false;
    listFilter : string;
    notice : ocNotice[];

constructor(private _noticeService : NoticeService){

toggleImage() : void{
    this.showImage = !this.showImage;

ngOnInit() : void{
    this.notice = this._noticeService.getProduct();


import {PipeTransform, Pipe} from '@angular/core';
import {ocNotice} from './product';

    name : 'noticeFilter'

export class NoticeFilterPipe implements PipeTransform{
    transform(value : ocNotice[], args : string) : ocNotice[]{
        let filter : string = args[0] ? args[0].toLocaleLowerCase() : null;
       return filter ? value.filter((notice : ocNotice) => 
           notice.title.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(filter) != -1) : value;

if you get this error:如果您收到此错误:

Argument of type '{ selector: string; '{选择器:字符串; templateUrl: string;模板网址:字符串; pipes: typeof MattDamon[];管道:MattDamon[] 的类型; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Component'. }' 不可分配给“组件”类型的参数。 Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pipes' does not exist in type 'Component'.对象字面量只能指定已知属性,并且“组件”类型中不存在“管道”。

Instead of adding the pipe in pipes[] array in the @component, add the pipe in the 'declarations' array inside 'app.modules.ts', and no need to use 'pipes' array不是在@component 中的pipes[] 数组中添加管道,而是在'app.modules.ts' 内的'declarations' 数组中添加管道,而无需使用'pipes' 数组

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