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Grails /休眠模式:DuplicateKeyException和NonUniqueObjectException

[英]Grails/Hibernate: DuplicateKeyException and NonUniqueObjectException

I have a couple of methods that retreive data using GORM and updates and saves. 我有两种方法可以使用GORM检索数据并进行更新和保存。 The following errors are thrown. 引发以下错误。

2017-02-14 01:39:02,316 [ERROR ]    A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [com.example.Job#3365090]; nested exception is org.hibern$
org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException: A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [com.example.Job#3365090]; nested exception is org.hibernate.Non$
        at com.example.job.JobDaoService.$tt__persistJob(JobDaoService.groovy:88)
        at com.example.job.JobDaoService.$tt__changeJobStatusByJob(JobDaoService.groovy:225)

Caused by: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [com.example.Job#3365090]
        ... 23 more

My methods are: (1) 我的方法是:(1)

Job persistJob(Job job) throws JobException {
    job.save(flush: true)

    if (job.hasErrors()) {
        throw new JobException("Error (ID: ${job?.id}). Details: ${job.errors}", JOB_CANNOT_BE_CREATED_EXCEPTION)
    return job

(2) (2)

Job changeStatusByJob(Job job, JobStatus jobStatus) {
    job.status = jobStatus

    if (persistJob(job)) {
        log.info("The status is changed.")
    return job

(3) (3)

 Job getPendingJob() throws JobException {
     return Job.findByStatusAndCreatedLessThanEquals(READY, new Date(), [sort: "type"])

I added @Transactional , job.attach() , job.refresh() and nothing worked. 我加了@Transactionaljob.attach() job.refresh()并没有什么工作。

Try to merge your job instance before saving it. 在保存之前,请尝试合并您的作业实例。 Merge() takes the instance passed and merges it with any object of the same id associated with the session. Merge()接受传递的实例,并将其与与该会话关联的具有相同ID的任何对象合并。

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