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LDAP OpenQuery仅返回一列ADsPath

[英]LDAP OpenQuery returns only one column ADsPath

I have added my Domain Controller as a linked server to SQL Server in order to pull some data from active directory and populate my tables with it. 我已将域控制器作为链接服务器添加到SQL Server,以便从活动目录中提取一些数据并用它填充表。 After that, I have executed an OpenQuery to get the users list in my domain 之后,我执行了OpenQuery以获取我域中的用户列表

SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT * FROM ''LDAP://OU=SmallOU, DC=MyDOMAIN,DC=xx,DC=xx'' WHERE objectClass=''User'' ')

I have performed the query against a small OU since performing the query against the whole directory returned errors because of number of rows limitation 由于对行数的限制,对整个目录执行查询返回错误,因此我对一个小OU执行了查询

Surprisingly, the query returns only one column " ADsPath ", whereas I expected to get sAMAccount , Title , Last Name , .... ,etc. 令人惊讶的是,查询仅返回一列“ ADsPath ”,而我希望得到sAMAccountTitleLast Name ,....等。


I want to get all the users data, how can I do that? 我想获取所有用户数据,该怎么办?

The provider will not try to find out which attributes to retrieve, if you use the asterisk with the SQL syntax. 如果您在SQL语法中使用星号,则提供程序将不会尝试找出要检索的属性。 Instead of SELECT * you must specify the attributes you want like SELECT sAMAccountName, sn, givenName . 而不是SELECT *您必须指定所需的属性,例如SELECT sAMAccountName, sn, givenName

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