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[英]SSRS Expression To Rename NULL Values

I am using Visual Studio 2012 for my SSRS Report. 我将Visual Studio 2012用于SSRS报告。

I have a field called Root Cause in my Column Groups section (with 3 column groups underneath that column group umbrella), and it pulls in 4 fields Offense, Defense, Both, and NULL values. 我的“列组”部分中有一个名为“根本原因”的字段(该列组伞下有3个列组),并且它拉入了4个字段“进攻”,“防御”,“双方”和NULL值。 So the headers for those sections when I preview the report show up as Offense, Defense, Both and then where NULL should be...it's just a blank section. 因此,当我预览报告时,这些部分的标题显示为“进攻”,“防御”,“双方”,然后应为NULL ...这只是空白部分。

My goal is to replace the blank section with text that says No Value or something along those lines, just not be blank. 我的目标是将空白部分替换为“无值”或类似内容的文本,而不是空白。

How do I format the SSRS Expression for that box to do so? 如何为该框设置SSRS表达式的格式?

尝试使用= IIF(IsNothing(Fields!RootCause.Value),“ No Value”,Fields!RootCause.Value)作为表达式。

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