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如何在Indy HTTPS帖子中设置正文数据

[英]How to set body data indy HTTPS post

So I've looked around, and the only question describing my problem is 6 years old with 0 answers, so I guess I will try again. 所以我环顾四周,唯一描述我的问题的问题是6岁零答案,所以我想我会再试一次。

I am using delphi 2009 with Indy10. 我正在Indel10中使用delphi 2009。

I am trying to post JSON to an api using HTTPS. 我正在尝试使用HTTPS将JSON发布到api。

Instance.FHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create;
Instance.FHTTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(Instance.FHTTP);

Instance.FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := 8888;
Instance.FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := '';

Instance.FHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';
Instance.FAccessToken := Instance.FHTTP.Post('https://somedomain.com/api/endpoint', '{JSONName: JSONValue }' );

I have seen many answers suggesting that the JSON payload should be given as a string param in the TidHTTP.Post method, but when i try that, it expects a filepath, and throws an error saying: 我已经看到很多答案,建议在TidHTTP.Post方法中将JSON有效负载作为string参数给出,但是当我尝试这样做时,它期望一个文件路径,并抛出一条错误消息:

'Cannot open file "[path to project{JSONName:JSONValue }]". '无法打开文件“ [项目的路径{JSONName:JSONValue}]”。 The specified file was not found'. 指定的文件未找到'。

If i add my JSON to a TStringList and add give that as a parameter, it simply adds the JSON to the header of the request. 如果我将JSON添加到TStringList并添加TStringList作为参数,则它将JSON添加到请求的标头中。

Any help is greatly appreciated. 任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

The Post overload that takes a second string indeed interprets it as a filename: 确实需要第二个字符串的Post重载确实将其解释为文件名:

function Post(AURL: string; const ASourceFile: String): string; overload;

That's why this doesn't work. 这就是为什么这不起作用。 You need to instead use the overload that takes a TStream : 您需要改为使用需要TStream的重载:

function Post(AURL: string; ASource: TStream): string; overload;

You can put your JSON in a TStringStream : 您可以将JSON放入TStringStream

StringStream := TStringStream.Create('{JSONName: JSONValue }', TEncoding.UTF8);
  Instance.FAccessToken := Instance.FHTTP.Post('https://somedomain.com/api/endpoint', StringStream);

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