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如何集成TFS 2017和CRM 2013?

[英]How can I Integrate TFS 2017 and CRM 2013?

Is there any way to integrate TFS and CRM together without use the API? 没有使用API​​可以将TFS和CRM集成在一起吗?

Is there some configurable TFS tool that can help me to do it? 是否有一些可配置的TFS工具可以帮助我做到这一点?

As I know, there is no such free tool to integrate TFS and CRM. 据我所知,没有这样的免费工具来集成TFS和CRM。 You would need to use TFS API and CRM api to create your own: 您将需要使用TFS API和CRM API创建自己的:

TFS API: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/overview TFS API: https//www.visualstudio.com/zh-CN/docs/integrate/api/overview

CRM API: https://developers.cloud-elements.com/docs/elements/dynamicscrm/index.html CRM API: https//developers.cloud-elements.com/docs/elements/dynamicscrm/index.html

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