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用于Ruby on Rails开发的远程VPS

[英]Remote VPS for Ruby on Rails development

My idea is to use a remote VPS for Rails development. 我的想法是使用远程VPS进行Rails开发。 When I run rails s, I used to see a message that my IP is not in a list of allowed IPs, so I added it in config development.rb using config.web_console.whitelisted_ips . 运行rails时,我经常看到一条消息,即我的IP不在允许的IP列表中,因此我使用config.web_console.whitelisted_ips将其添加到config development.rb中。 Now I do not see any errors, and console says that my views are rendered, but I can not see anything in browser. 现在,我看不到任何错误,并且控制台说我的视图已渲染,但是在浏览器中什么都看不到。 Did somebody set up rails 5 as a development environment on a VPS? 是否有人在VPS上将Rails 5设置为开发环境?

  1. When start your server, binding it. 启动服务器时,将其绑定。 Rails s -b Rails的-b
  2. Allow specific port / turn off your firewall. 允许特定端口/关闭防火墙。

Hope this help 希望这个帮助

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