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[英]Is it possible to cast an Object to an exact type in Flow?

I'm wondering how one might go about casting an Object to a user defined exact type in Flow. 我想知道如何将Object转换为Flow中用户定义的确切类型。 For example: 例如:


type exactType = {|x : number|}

function test(a : Object) : exactType {
  if(typeof(a.x) === 'string'){
    return (a : exactType);
  throw new Error('Incorrect type!')

Is it even possible to write such a function? 甚至可以编写这样的功能吗? Ie is it possible to convice the type checker that parameter a has only a single field named x with type number ? 即是否可以建议类型检查器确定参数a仅具有一个名为x且具有类型number字段?

There is no safe way to do this. 没有安全的方法可以执行此操作。 However, you can always cast through any to circumvent the typechecker: 但是,您始终可以强制执行any来规避类型检查器:

return ((a: any): exactType);

Ideally, you would refactor your code to avoid using Object , since it's an unsafe type. 理想情况下,您应该重构代码以避免使用Object ,因为它是不安全的类型。 However, if that's not possible the best you can do is to carefully circumvent the typechecker like this. 但是,如果不可能的话,您最好的办法就是仔细地规避类型检查器。

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