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[英]Python Writing a Dictionary to Text File isn't producing correct output

I have a dictionary as such - 我有这样的字典-

d = {"Dave":("Male", "96"), "Alice":("Female", "98")}

I want to write it to a text file in such a format - 我想以这种格式将其写入文本文件-


This is my current code - 这是我当前的代码-

d = {"Dave":("Male", "96"), "Alice":("Female", "98")}

with open("dictionary.txt", 'w') as f:
    for key, value in d.items():
    f.write('%s \n %s \n' % (key, value))

It is, however, producing the following output in the text file: 但是,它将在文本文件中产生以下输出:

  ('Male', '96') 
  ('Female', '98') 

How can I adjust this? 我该如何调整? Please help! 请帮忙! Thanks. 谢谢。

When you convert a tuple to a str using formatting, you get the representation of the tuple, which is (roughly, there are 2 methods __str__ and __repr__ actually) what python prints when you print the item in the console. 当您使用格式将tuple转换为str时,将获得tuple表示形式 ,(实际上,实际上有2种方法__str____repr__ )在控制台中print项目时python打印的内容。

To get elements without the tuple decorations, you have to unpack the tuple. 要获取没有元组装饰的元素,必须拆开元组的包装。 One option (using format ): 一种选择(使用format ):

for key, value in d.items():

* unpacks the elements of value into 2 elements. *value要素分解为2个要素。 format does the rest 其余的format

An even more compact way would be to multiply the format string by 3 (less copy/paste) 一种更紧凑的方法是将格式字符串乘以3(减少复制/粘贴)

for key, value in d.items():

I used the i in range method that iterates for every value in every key - 我使用了i in range方法来迭代每个键中的每个值-

d = {"Dave":("Male", "96"), "Alice":("Female", "98")}

with open("dictionary.txt", 'w') as f:
    for key, value in d.items():
        for x in range(0,2):
            f.write('%s \n %s \n' % (key, value[x]))

The following works in Python 3.6: 以下在Python 3.6中有效:

d = {"Dave":("Male", "96"), "Alice":("Female", "98")}
with open('dictionary.txt', mode='w') as f:
    for name, (sex, age) in d.items():

You can unpack the tuple at the top of the for loop. 您可以在for循环的顶部解压缩元组。 Additionally, in Python 3.6, you can use the f-string mechanism to directly interpolate variable values into strings. 此外,在Python 3.6中,您可以使用f字符串机制将变量值直接插值到字符串中。

 d = {"Dave":("Male", "96"), "Alice":("Female", "98")}
 with open("dictionary.txt", 'w') as f:
    for key in d.keys():
        f.write('%s \n' % (key))
        for v in d[key]:
           f.write('%s \n' % (v))

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