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[英]Mailing List on GitHub Pages

I am currently using Github Pages as a host for my new domain, after I learned that it is free, and that all I needed to purchase was the domain, which I have. 在得知该域名是免费的,并且我所需要购买的就是我拥有的域名之后,我目前正在使用Github Pages作为新域名的主机。

My only problem is that GitHub Pages doesn't support PHP and I want to have a mailing list where users keep their email and I save their email for later contact with clients. 我唯一的问题是GitHub Pages不支持PHP,我希望有一个邮件列表,用户可以在其中保存电子邮件,而我保存电子邮件以供以后与客户联系。 This is easily done in PHP but GitHub Pages doesn't support it so II am in need of an alternative. 这很容易在PHP中完成,但是GitHub Pages不支持它,因此II需要替代方案。

Jekyll isn't that helpful. Jekyll并没有帮助。 I have also tried a normal form in HTML where the action attribute is a mailto address, but that also isn't good enough. 我还尝试了HTML的普通form ,其中action属性是mailto地址,但这还不够好。 Any ideas are much appreciated. 任何想法都非常感谢。

You could try using a tool like Mailchimp . 您可以尝试使用Mailchimp之类的工具。 Unfortunately (but with good reason) Github pages don't have access to PHP or any other back-end tools. 不幸的是(但是有充分的理由)Github页面无法访问PHP或任何其他后端工具。


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