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[英]should i use angular-cli for projects

This question might already be asked but i am not able to find a good answer to this. 这个问题可能已经被问到了,但我无法找到一个好的答案。

i am new to angular 2 and i saw there is great "angular-cli" project which offer many features out of the box and use best practices. 我是角度2的新手,我看到有很棒的“angular-cli”项目,提供了许多开箱即用的功能并使用最佳实践。 but my main concern is this angular-cli is still in beta and its updates are coming very frequently. 但我主要担心的是这个角度cli仍然处于测试阶段,其更新频繁出现。 so should i use it for my applications or not. 所以我应该将它用于我的应用程序。 for example 例如

  • can new updates seamlessly incorporated in the app. 可以将新的更新无缝地整合到应用程序中。
  • can new update entirely break the application. 新的更新可以完全打破应用程序。

these are some of my concern or should i consider some alternate options until angular-cli get stable if yes please do recommend some 这些是我的一些担忧,或者我应该考虑一些替代选项,直到angular-cli变得稳定,如果是,请推荐一些

Thanks. 谢谢。

I am of the view that before using a tool like the Angular-Cli, that you should first understand what the CLI is doing. 我认为在使用Angular-Cli之类的工具之前,您应该首先了解CLI正在做什么。 Thus, I would look at tutorials that build apps from scratch first, once you a have a working knowledge of how to build an app from scratch you can then look at the tools that help to automate some of the mundane tasks. 因此,我将首先介绍从头开始构建应用程序的教程,一旦掌握了如何从头开始构建应用程序的工作知识,就可以查看有助于自动执行某些平凡任务的工具。

This will help with fault diagnosis. 这有助于故障诊断。 If you don't know how certain features work, it will cause a lot of issues trying to find answers to question. 如果您不知道某些功能是如何工作的,那么在尝试找到问题答案时会遇到很多问题。 That said you could use the CLI to get an app up and running and then disect it to try and understand what is happening. 也就是说,您可以使用CLI启动并运行应用程序,然后对其进行处理以尝试了解正在发生的情况。

Also as someone has already mentioned, Angular CLI is still in Beta and thus may have unforseen bugs which is not conducive to learning new things. 另外,正如有人已经提到的那样,Angular CLI仍处于测试阶段,因此可能存在不可预知的错误,这些错误不利于学习新事物。

There is a helpful reddit post that gets updated quite a lot with newest angular2 seeds. 有一个有用的reddit帖子,使用最新的angular2种子进行了大量更新。 You can check it out, there are plenty of different seeds that might suit you. 你可以看一下,有很多不同的种子可能适合你。

https://www.reddit.com/r/Angular2/comments/5rj14a/helpful_angular_2_github_repos_curated_through/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Angular2/comments/5rj14a/helpful_angular_2_github_repos_curated_through/

As for Is angular-cli good? 至于角度cli好吗? question, this is totally opinion based, depends what you need. 问题,这完全是基于意见的,取决于你需要什么。

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