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[英]Count number of matches from a list words in a string

I have a list of words 我有一个词表

var words = List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };'

and a string 和一个字符串

var fruitString = "Apple Orange Banana Plum";

I know if I do 我知道我是否愿意

var hasFruits = words.Contains(w => fruitString.Contains(w));

that I can tell if the string contains any of those words. 我可以判断字符串是否包含这些单词中的任何一个。 What I need to do is tell how many of those words match. 我需要做的是告诉您这些单词中有多少匹配。

I know that I can do 我知道我能做

var count = 0;
foreach (var word in words)
    if (fruitString.Contains(word))

but is there a way of doing this in a Linq one-liner? 但是有没有办法在Linq单缸纸上做到这一点?

Yes, simply swap Contains for Count : 是的,只需将Contains换为Count

var count = words.Count(w => fruitString.Contains(w));

Note that this retains the same result as your original code - as pointed out in Sergey's answer , this approach may be naive, depending on what you're trying to achieve. 请注意,这保留了与原始代码相同的结果-正如Sergey的答案所指出 ,根据您要实现的目标,这种方法可能是幼稚的。

If you want to check count of words which appear in string separated by whitespaces, you can use intersection of sets: 如果要检查用空格分隔的字符串中出现的单词 ,可以使用集合的交集:

fruitString.Split().Intersect(words).Count() // 2

If you want to check which words your string have - just remove Count call: 如果要检查字符串中包含哪些单词,只需删除Count调用即可:

fruitString.Split().Intersect(words) // "Apple", "Banana"

Note1: if you do String.Contains then "Apple" will be found in "Applejack" string 注意1:如果您使用String.Contains则在"Applejack"字符串中将找到"Apple"

Note2: passing StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase as second argument to Intersect method call will make ignore case string comparison and "apple" will match "Apple". 注意2:传递StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase作为Intersect方法调用的第二个参数将忽略大小写字符串比较,“ apple”将匹配“ Apple”。

Note3: you can use Regex.Split to get words from string which has not only white spaces between words. 注意3:您可以使用Regex.Split从字符串中获取单词,而单词之间不仅只有空格。 Eg for something like "I look to the east and see: apple, orange and banana!" 例如,类似"I look to the east and see: apple, orange and banana!"

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