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[英]How can I import a file using React.js, ES6 and Webpack based on the value of a prop?

Let's say I have a React.js component called CountryFlag . 假设我有一个名为CountryFlag的React.js组件。 I also have a directory of SVG images for each country's flag at countries/ 我还为每个countries/地区的国旗提供了SVG图片目录

This component takes a single prop - countryCode . 该组件采用单个prop- countryCode This would be something such as ES for Spain. 例如西班牙的ES

How can I use the ES6 import construct with this.props.countryCode when this.props is not in scope? this.props不在范围内时,如何将ES6 import构造与this.props.countryCode this.props

I have tried to do this in componentDidMount() but get a syntax error: 我尝试在componentDidMount()执行此操作,但收到语法错误:

Syntax error: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level (6:2)

You should use require . 您应该使用require like: 喜欢:

class Whatever extends Component{
  constructor(props) {
    this.countryImage = null;
  componentDidMount() {
    const { countryCode } = this.props;
    this.countryImage = require(`./countries/${countryCode}.svg`); 
  render() {
    return (
      <img src={this.countryImage} alt="Whatever" />

You can make use of System.import to import a component dynamically in componentDidMount 您可以利用System.import在componentDidMount中动态import componentDidMount

constructor(props) {

  this.state = { component: null }
componentDidMount() {
    this.loadComponent(component => this.setState({ component }));
loadComponent = callback => {
    let component = null;
    // This needs to be relative to the current module otherwise Webpack won't know where to look
    System.import(`./countries/${this.props.countryCode}`).then(module => callback(component = module))
    return component;

You can also use your props on src to your image. 您也可以将src上的道具用于图像。 Something like <img src={"./img/" + this.props.country + ".svg"}> 类似于<img src={"./img/" + this.props.country + ".svg"}>

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