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[英]Batch file with mogrify into folders

I can shrink some images with imagemagick using mogrify in a batch file but I'm having trouble setting the destination directory 我可以使用批处理文件中的mogrify使用imagemagick缩小某些图像,但是在设置目标目录时遇到问题

SET scriptdir=%~dp0
cd /d %imagedir%
SET tb="thumbs"
IF NOT EXIST "%imagedir%"/%tb% MKDIR "%imagedir%"/%tb%
FOR %%a in (*.tif) do (
mogrify -resize 42x42 -format jpg -quality 100  %%a
move %%a %imagedir%/%tb%

The above script does what I want, but it's bugging me that I have to use move command to place the images there instead of creating them there. 上面的脚本可以实现我想要的功能,但令我感到困扰的是,我必须使用move命令将图像放置在此处,而不是在此处创建图像。

Just add -path XYZ into your mogrify command to get ImageMagick to write the output files in directory XYZ . 只需将-path XYZ添加到您的mogrify命令中,以使ImageMagick将输出文件写入目录XYZ For example: 例如:

mkdir results
mogrify -path results -resize ... inputfile.jpg

The whole point of mogrify though is that you don't need a loop , you just do all the files in one go: mogrify的全部目的是不需要循环 ,只需一次完成所有文件:

mogrify -path results -format jpg -resize 42x42 *.tif

Use option -write filename , documented as: write images to this file 使用选项-write filename ,记录为: write images to this file

mogrify -resize 42x42 -format jpg -quality 100 -write %imagedir%\%tb%\%%a %%a

I used %imagedir%\\%tb%\\%%a to fully specify an output filename, and I changed the slashes to Backslashes. 我使用%imagedir%\\%tb%\\%%a来完全指定输出文件名,然后将斜杠更改为反斜杠。

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