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[英]How to efficiently use do.call function within a custom function with parallel computing

I have a function that aims to: 我有一个旨在实现以下目标的功能:

  1. simulate two datasets under known set of parameters of two models (null and alternative) 在两个模型的已知参数集下(空值和替代值)模拟两个数据集
  2. to re-fit both models to simulated data 将两个模型重新拟合为模拟数据

I want to speed up computation time by using the parallel package in conjunction with the pblapply package. 我想通过将并行包与pblapply包结合使用来加快计算时间

Here is the function: 这是函数:

simulate.data <- function (tree, null_m, alt_m, nsim = 5, do.parallel = T, optTEXT = NULL){

  ## null_m and alt_m are fitted using mvMORPH function
  if (!all (class (null_m)[1] == "mvmorph" & class (alt_m)[1] == "mvmorph")) 
    stop ("Fitted models must be of class 'mvmorph'")

  ## define functions
  transform <- function (x){
    if (is.matrix (x)) {
      res <- vector ("list", ncol (x))
      for (i in 1:ncol (x)){
        res[[i]] <- x[,i]
    else {
      res <- x

  find_fun <- function (x){
    class.temp <- class (x)[2]
    if (class.temp == "mvmorph.bm") return ("mvBM")
    if (class.temp == "mvmorph.ou") return ("mvOU")
    if (class.temp == "mvmorph.shift") return ("mvSHIFT")

  ## take arguments of null and alternative fit
  call.fun.A <- find_fun (null_m)
  argsA <- null_m$param [names (null_m$param) %in% names (as.list (args (call.fun.A)))]
  argsA <- lapply (argsA, function (x) if (length(x)>1) x[1]
                   else x)

  call.fun.B <- find_fun(alt_m)
  argsB <- alt_m$param [names (alt_m$param) %in% names (as.list (args (call.fun.B)))]
  argsB <- lapply (argsB, function (x) if (length(x)>1) x[1]
                   else x)

  ## simulate datasets under null and alternative model
  A.df <- transform (simulate(object = null_m, tree = tree, nsim = nsim))
  B.df <- transform (simulate(object = alt_m, tree = tree, nsim = nsim))

  ## refit null (A) and alternative (B) model to simulated data
  # AA: fit null model to data simulated under null model

  op <- pboptions(type = "timer") # default

  if (do.parallel){

    cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
    clusterEvalQ (cl, library(mvMORPH))
    clusterExport (cl, varlist=c("tree", ## tree
                                 "A.df", "B.df", ## simulated data
                                 "call.fun.A", "call.fun.B", ## values of these objects are names of mvMORPH functions to be called with do.call function
                                 "argsA", "argsB"), envir=environment()) ## 'args' objects specify arguments to be passed to do.call function 
    clusterExport (cl, varlist = "do.call")

    cat (paste0 ("\nfitting models to simulated data under the null model (", argsA$model, ")\n"))

    AA <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
    AB <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)

    cat (paste0 ("\nfitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (", argsB$model, ")\n"))

    BA <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
    BB <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)



  else {
    cat (paste0 ("\nfitting models to simulated data under the null model (", argsA$model, ")\n"))

    AA <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))))
    AB <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))))

    cat (paste0 ("\nfitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (", argsB$model, ")\n"))

    BA <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))))
    BB <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
      do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))))


  res <- list (A = null_m, B = alt_m, AA = AA, AB = AB, BA = BA, BB = BB)
  class (res) <- append (class(res),"sim.data")

  if (!is.null(optTEXT)){
    attributes (res) <- c (attributes(res), comment = optTEXT)
  else res


This function works, but it seems that there is a bottleneck during parallel computing procedures . 此功能有效,但似乎在并行计算过程中存在瓶颈 I suspect that do.call function introduced the redundancy but I am not sure...I still need to implement do.call or some other similar function since I need to feed list of arguments within pblapply and arguments are specific to each fit. 我怀疑do.call函数引入了冗余,但是我不确定...我仍然需要实现do.call或其他类似的函数,因为我需要在pblapply中提供参数列表,并且每个参数都是特定的。

To demonstrate the lack of performance during parallel computing, I simulated and used following data: 为了证明并行计算过程中缺乏性能,我模拟并使用了以下数据:

library (phytools)

Generating a tree with 80 tips
tree <- pbtree (n = 80)

# Setting the regime states of tip species
regimes <- as.vector(c(rep("R1",40), rep ("R2", 40)))
names(regimes) <- tree$tip.label
tree <- make.simmap (tree, regimes , model="ER", nsim=1)

# Simulate data
library (mvMORPH)

sigma <- c (R1 = 3, R2 = 0.5)
theta <- 0

# Simulate data under the "BMM" model
data <- mvSIM (tree, nsim = 1, model="BMM", param = list (sigma = sigma, theta = theta))

# Fit models
fit1 <- mvBM (tree = tree, data = data, model = "BMM", method = "sparse")
fit2 <- mvOU (tree = tree, data = data, model = "OUM", method = "pseudoinverse", param = list (maxit = 50000))

## run the function
ss.data <- simulate.data(tree = tree, null_m = fit1, alt_m = fit2, nsim = 100, do.parallel = T)

On my computer with i3 CPU, I used 3 workers and obtained following results: 在装有i3 CPU的计算机上,我使用了3个工作线程,并获得以下结果:

>fitting models to simulated data under the null model (BMM)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 14s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 01m 56s

>fitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (OUM)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 01m 51s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 03m 12s

When I run same as above, but without parallel computing (do.parallel = F) computation took less time in general: 当我像上面一样运行但没有并行计算(do.parallel = F)时,计算所需的时间通常较少:

>fitting models to simulated data under the null model (BMM)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 32s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 01m 23s

>fitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (OUM)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 09s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 02m 02s

Afterward, I just run part of my function in the global environment (not within the function) but using parallel computing. 之后,我只是在全局环境中运行函数的一部分(不在函数内),而是使用并行计算。 Code and results are as follow: 代码和结果如下:

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
clusterEvalQ (cl, library(mvMORPH))
clusterExport (cl, varlist=c("tree", 
                             "A.df", "B.df",
                             "call.fun.A", "call.fun.B", 
                             "argsA", "argsB"), envir=environment())
clusterExport (cl, varlist = "do.call")

>fitting models to simulated data under the null model (BMM)            
AA <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
AB <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 26s    
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 57s

>fitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (OUM)        
BB <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
do.call (call.fun.B, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsB, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
BA <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
do.call (call.fun.A, args = c (list (tree = tree, data = x), c (argsA, diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE))), cl = cl)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 17s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 49s


Note that the time of parallel computation in the global environment is considerably lower than within my custom function... 请注意,全局环境中的并行计算时间比我的自定义函数中的时间要短得多。

Finally, I just do parallel computing in the global environment but without the do.call function which turned out to be the most efficient: 最后,我只是在全局环境中执行并行计算,但是没有do.call函数 ,事实证明这是最有效的:

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
clusterEvalQ (cl, library(mvMORPH))
clusterExport (cl, varlist=c("tree", 
                             "A.df", "B.df"), envir=environment())

>fitting models to simulated data under the null model (BMM)
AA <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
  mvBM (tree = tree, data = x, model = "BMM", method = "sparse", optimization = "L-BFGS-B", diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE), cl = cl)
AB <- pblapply (X = A.df, FUN = function(x)
  mvOU (tree = tree, data = x, model = "OUM", method = "pseudoinverse", optimization = "L-BFGS-B", diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE), cl = cl)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 19s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 49s

>fitting models to simulated data under the alternative model (OUM)
BA <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
  mvBM (tree = tree, data = x, model = "BMM", method = "sparse", optimization = "L-BFGS-B", diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE), cl = cl)
BB <- pblapply (X = B.df, FUN = function(x)
  mvOU (tree = tree, data = x, model = "OUM", method = "pseudoinverse", optimization = "L-BFGS-B", diagnostic=FALSE, echo=FALSE), cl = cl)
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 09s
>|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 41s


I appreciate any suggestion and/or solution that might help me to implement do.call in my function with more efficient performance in conjunction with parallel processing. 我很感谢任何建议和/或解决方案,它们可能会帮助我在与并行处理结合使用的情况下以更有效的性能实现函数do.call。

I found that there is nothing wrong with do.call function , but rather the main problem was a lack of ram to store objects within my function . 我发现do.call函数没有错 ,但是主要的问题是缺少在函数中存储对象的ram

I tried the function on a computer with 4 GBs of ram and objects generated with the function easily reached it. 我在具有4 GB RAM的计算机上尝试了该功能,并且使用该功能生成的对象很容易达到它。 Thus, a computer tried to allocate data stored in the ram to hdd which in turn resulted in a slower performance of the function. 因此,计算机尝试将存储在ram中的数据分配给hdd,这反过来导致该功能的性能降低。 One solution was to extract individual objects to hdd with save() function and remove them from the function environment by rm () function. 一种解决方案是使用save()函数save()单个对象提取到hdd,然后通过rm ()函数将其从函数环境中删除。 Likewise, it is always reasonable to upgrade ram memory. 同样,升级RAM内存始终是合理的。

I did both and the function works very well. 我都做了,功能很好。

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