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如何在 GOlang 程序中检测 linux 发行版?

[英]How can I detect linux distribution within GOlang program?

I want to write linux distribution independant Golang code.我想编写独立于 linux 发行版的 Golang 代码。 I need detect which linux distribution and need to run distribution specific commands within program.我需要检测哪个 linux 发行版并需要在程序中运行发行版特定的命令。 Like dpkg in case of Ubuntu and rpm -q in case of RHEL.像 dpkg 在 Ubuntu 的情况下和 rpm -q 在 RHEL 的情况下。

You can use exec.Cmd to run lsb_release -a or uname -a and parse the output to find out the distribution.您可以使用exec.Cmd运行lsb_release -auname -a并解析输出以找出分布。

Reference 参考

If you wanted to use a Go module, there's Sysinfo .如果您想使用 Go 模块,可以使用Sysinfo

It collects all of the system info (without any dependencies) and gives you JSON which includes what you're looking for.它收集所有系统信息(没有任何依赖项)并为您提供 JSON,其中包括您正在寻找的内容。 Here's a snippet of that data:这是该数据的一个片段:

"os": {
    "name": "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)",
    "vendor": "centos",
    "version": "7",
    "release": "7.2.1511",
    "architecture": "amd64"

The package containing the executable lsb_release may or may not be installed on the system.包含可执行文件lsb_release的包可能已安装,也可能未安装在系统上。

You could use the file /etc/os-release , which can be easily parsed with the library go-ini.您可以使用文件/etc/os-release ,它可以通过库 go-ini 轻松解析。 See example:见示例:

import (

func ReadOSRelease(configfile string) map[string]string {
    cfg, err := ini.Load(configfile)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Fail to read file: ", err)

    ConfigParams := make(map[string]string)
    ConfigParams["ID"] = cfg.Section("").Key("ID").String()

    return ConfigParams

OSInfo := ReadOSRelease("/etc/os-release")
OSRelease := OSInfo["ID"]


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