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[英]How to tell eslint to allow staged ECMA-Script dynamic imports

I want to use the now "Stage-3" proposal import() . 我想使用现在的“Stage-3”提议import() If I lint my code with ESLint it's complaining about: 如果我用ESLint lint我的代码它抱怨:

Parsing error: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

Which is correct for the static form of import but not for the new, dynamic one. 这对于静态import形式是正确的,但对于新的动态形式则不正确。 I don't find the right option to make ESLint allow that. 我没有找到让ESLint允许的正确选项。 Can someone give me a hint? 有人能给我一个暗示吗?

Of course is Gyandeep right. 当然Gyandeep是对的。 It's no question of rules but of the parser (That's what parsing error means after all…). 这不是规则的问题,而是解析器的问题(这就是解析错误意味着什么......)。 So I use now babel-eslint with the following .eslintrc (excerpt): 所以我现在使用babel-eslint以下.eslintrc (摘录):

  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "parserOptions": {
    "allowImportExportEverywhere": true

Also, I made sure I installed and used babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import . 另外,我确保安装并使用了babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import

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