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[英]JS pagination first page <a> active class

I have this JS pagination code that works almost like I want it to, except from that I want the selected-page class to be added to the first page number <a> before it is clicked? 我有这个JS分页代码,其工作方式几乎与我想要的一样,除了我希望将selected-page类在单击之前添加到首页编号<a> Now it is only added after the current page is clicked. 现在,仅在单击当前页面后才添加它。

(function($) {
    $(function() {
        $.widget("zpd.paging", {
            options: {
                limit: 5,
                rowDisplayStyle: 'block',
                activePage: 0,
                rows: []
            _create: function() {
                var rows = $("tbody", this.element).children();
                this.options.rows = rows;
                this.options.rowDisplayStyle = rows.css('display');
                var nav = this._getNavBar();
            _getNavBar: function() {
                var rows = this.options.rows;
                var nav = $('<div>', {class: 'paging-nav'});
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(rows.length / this.options.limit); i++) {
                    this._on($('<a>', {
                        href: '#',
                        text: (i + 1),
                        "data-page": (i)
                            {click: "pageClickHandler"});
                //create previous link
                this._on($('<a>', {
                    href: '#',
                    text: '<<',
                    "data-direction": -1
                        {click: "pageStepHandler"});
                //create next link
                this._on($('<a>', {
                    href: '#',
                    text: '>>',
                    "data-direction": +1
                        {click: "pageStepHandler"});
                return nav;
            showPage: function(pageNum) {
                var num = pageNum * 1; //it has to be numeric
                this.options.activePage = num;
                var rows = this.options.rows;
                var limit = this.options.limit;
                for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                    if (i >= limit * num && i < limit * (num + 1)) {
                        $(rows[i]).css('display', this.options.rowDisplayStyle);
                    } else {
                        $(rows[i]).css('display', 'none');
            pageClickHandler: function(event) {
                $(event.target).siblings().attr('class', "");
                $(event.target).attr('class', "selected-page");
                var pageNum = $(event.target).attr('data-page');
            pageStepHandler: function(event) {
                //get the direction and ensure it's numeric
                var dir = $(event.target).attr('data-direction') * 1;
                var pageNum = this.options.activePage + dir;

                //if we're in limit, trigger the requested pages link
                if (pageNum >= 0 && pageNum < this.options.rows.length) {
                    $("a[data-page=" + pageNum + "]", $(event.target).parent()).click();


Without your HTML, I couldn't tell you a solution that works out of the box. 没有您的HTML,我无法告诉您开箱即用的解决方案。 However, you can write the jQuery: 但是,您可以编写jQuery:


or another selector like it. 或其他类似的选择器。

i think that you can do this when you create the pages links 我认为您可以在创建页面链接时执行此操作

  $('<a>', {
    href: '#',
    text: (i + 1),
    "data-page": (i),
    "class": i == 0 ? "selected-page" : "" <----- ADD THIS

Here in your _create function you are showing page number 0. _create函数中,您将显示第0页。


You can either replace this with a programmatic click on your first <a> , 您可以用编程方式单击第一个<a>来代替它,


or simply add class name to it, instead of clicking: 或直接向其中添加类名,而不是单击:


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